User settings

A user can retrieve a default user setting or partial user, list, or column settings. These defaults contain the setup of specific user, list, or column settings that determine which columns are shown in the result list, column order and width, how columns are sorted, and column grouping, if applicable.

Users with the “Settings administrator” privilege can create and adjust user settings for the users' different roles, as different roles typically require different setups.

In the “Settings” tab in F2’s main window, click on User settings to open the “User settings” dialogue.

Figure 1. The “User settings” menu item

The dialogue shows a list of all created user settings. Click on the desired user setting and then on the Use this user’s settings menu item.

Figure 2. The “User settings” dialogue

Click on Use this user’s settings to overwrite your current user settings. A Windows notification confirms that the selected settings have been applied.