Copy and chat orientation

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You can use F2 Touch - Executive to keep informed of approvals even if you aren’t part of the approval process. This is done through copy orientation or chat orientation. Each orientation type has its own list. Go to the list overview by swiping from left to right or by tapping the three lines in the upper left corner.

Figure 1. Open list overview

The available lists are then displayed. From here you can also see the role you are logged in with.

Figure 2. Lists available in F2 Touch - Executive

The following sections describe how to view and manage approvals in the "Copy orientation" and "Chat orientation" lists. Tap a list’s name to open it.

Copy orientation

The "Copy orientation" list contains approvals on which you have been added as a copy recipient and which your secretariat has forwarded to you. This is a way to inform you of approvals that may be relevant. A copy orientation can be marked as read.

Tap the approval to open it. From here you can read the approval record and its attachments.

Figure 3. Manage copy orientation

Managing an approval as a copy recipient consists of marking the approval as read and adding a comment if necessary. Enter a comment in the field "Insert comment as copy recipient", and then tap the Mark as read button. The approval will then be removed from F2 Touch - Executive and sent back to your secretariat.

Chat orientation

The "Chat orientation" list contains all ongoing approvals on which you have received a chat. This means that you are a chat participant on these approvals and not necessarily an approver.

Chat synchronisation between F2 Desktop and F2 Touch - Executive happens automatically, which means that approvals in this list do not go through your secretariat as with copy orientation.

Tap an approval to open it. From here you can familiarise yourself with the material.

Figure 4. Chat orientation with unread messages

When the approval is open, you can access chats by tapping the chat icon on the grey ribbon at the top.

Figure 5. Chat on an approval

Chat functions in F2 Touch - Executive are identical to those in F2 Touch.