Search in F2 Touch

The following section describes the search functions in F2 Touch. Searches in F2 Touch work the same way as in F2 Desktop.

Read more about searches in F2 Desktop.

Figure 1. Search in a list

The search field is located above the result list. Use it to search in the current list.

F2 Touch will find record and case titles in the list that contain the entered search words. Tap image77 to view other search options as well as filter options.

Figure 2. Expanded search options

Here you can search for:

  • Title or parts of words that appear in the record or case title.

  • Participant, i.e. records containing certain participants or units from the participant register.

F2 Touch begins searching when you have entered two characters. It is possible to configure the number of characters that need to be entered before searching begins. Configurations are made in cooperation with cBrain.

The list can be sorted using the following filters:

  • All/Unread/Read

  • Personal flag, which filters records with the chosen flag.

Tap cSearch to search using this functionality. Read more about cSearch in F2 Touch.

If the expanded search options are hidden while one or more are in use, any active search criteria are displayed next to the search field.

Figure 3. Search criteria

Clear the search by tapping X on the right of the search field.

Sort search results

Search results are sorted in chronological order, so that the most recently updated record is at the top of the result list.

All actions related to a record affect its placement in the result list. This applies to the lists “My Archive”, “My desktop”, and “My inbox” along with “Inbox (Unit)”, “Archive (Unit)” and “Desktop (Unit)”. For example, changes to visible chats on a record are considered updates, thus affecting the placement of the record in the result list.

Search for records by their participants

It is possible to search for records on which a specific participant is involved. A participant is either a user or a unit from F2’s participant register. Enter the name of the participant in the “Participant” search field. This search yields records in which the participant is involved as e.g. the responsible user or sender.

Figure 4. Search for a participant

In F2 Touch it is possible to search for records with deactivated participants. The name of a deactivated participant is displayed in italics with a grey font.