Installation references
The content of this website is last updated to F2 version 11. cBrain are working hard on supplying you with the newest documentation of F2. |
Installation references are used when creating a new case template. They serve as shortcuts that help establish the framework of a case.
Example: An organisation’s HR department creates ten case templates. Cases created from these are the responsibility of HR employee Marjorie Merigold. The organisation could just add Marjorie’s name in the “Responsible” field on each template, but if the case responsibility is later transferred to Marjorie’s colleague, Peter Periwinkle, the organisation must replace the content of each template’s “Responsible” field. A more effective approach is to create an installation reference of the “User” type with a title such as “HR responsible user” to which Marjorie is added from F2’s participant register. This installation reference can then be added to the “Responsible” field on the case templates. If the responsibility for the cases is reallocated to Peter at a later time, Marjorie’s name need only be replaced by Peter’s in the installation reference. Each case template with this installation reference will then list Peter Periwinkle’s name in the “Responsible” field.
In the example above, Marjorie Merigold is still listed in the “Responsible” field on the cases created before her name was replaced by Peter Periwinkle’s in the installation reference. |
An installation reference consists of two elements, “Reference” and “Type”. “Reference” is the title of the installation reference and should be descriptive enough that the installation reference may be used in other contexts. “Type” determines the fields in which the installation reference may be used.
In the example below, a user is creating an installation reference with the title “Deadline_14_days”. The “Type” is set to “Deadline”. Next to this field the wanted number of days is entered, and the user then clicks Create. For further information on this, see the section Create an installation reference.
The “Installation references” menu item
The Installation references menu item is accessible from the main window’s “Administrator” tab for users with the “Can edit case templates” privilege. In this dialogue, click New to create a new installation reference. Existing installation references can be edited, deleted, or exported, and new ones can be imported. An installation reference can also be created from the “Case template” dialogue during the creation of a case template. These options are described below.
The table below describes the menu items in the ribbon.
Menu item | Description |
“New” |
Opens the “New installation reference” dialogue. For further information, see the section Create an installation reference. |
“Edit” |
Opens the “Update installation reference” dialogue for the selected installation reference. From here it is possible to edit its title as well as its selected value, but its type cannot be changed. For example, an installation reference of the “Deadline” type can have its value changed from 14 to 10 days, and its title can be changed from “Deadline_14_days” to “Deadline_10_days”, but its type cannot be changed from “Deadline” to e.g. “Keyword”. |
“Delete” |
Deletes the selected installation reference. F2 asks for confirmation from the user before this action is performed. |
“Export all”/“Export chosen” |
Exports all/selected installation references to a config file. This file can then be imported to other F2 installations where the installation references can be reused. |
“Import” |
Imports installation references from a config file. When the import is completed, F2 shows a list of any updates. The user has the option of cancelling the import before the updates are applied. Figure 3. Message when importing installation references
The list of existing installation references can be sorted by clicking on a column. Right-click on a column to remove it. To view the column again, right-click on any column and then select Columns from the context menu. This opens the “Select columns” dialogue in which columns can be added or removed.
The table below describes each column.
Column | Description |
“Reference” |
The title of the installation reference. |
“Type” |
The type of the installation reference. For more information, see the section Create an installation reference. |
“Created” |
Displays the time and date of creation. |
“Created by” |
Displays the name of the user who created the installation reference. |
“Last updated” |
Displays the time and date when the installation reference was last edited. |
“Last updated by” |
Displays the name of the user who last edited the installation reference. |
Create an installation reference
An installation reference can be created in two ways:
From the “Administrator” tab using the Installation reference menu item. Read more in Create an installation reference from “Installation references”.
From the “Settings” tab using the Case templates menu item. Read more in Create an installation reference from “Case templates”.
There are certain differences between the two creation methods. Both are described in the following sections.
The installation reference type depends on the case template field for which it is intended. For example, the “Responsible” field only accepts internal participants, and the “Keyword” field only accepts keywords that have been created in the organisation. The possible types of installation references for each of the case template fields are listed in the table below.
Case template field | Possible types | Description | ||
“Title” |
Title. |
Lets the template creator enter text which is shown in the “Title” field of the template when a new case is created. |
“Access restriction” |
Me, my unit, user, unit, team, security group. |
Select the wanted type from a drop-down menu. “Me” and ”My unit” are dynamic and refer to the case creator and their unit, while a specific user, unit, team or security group can be added via the participant register. |
“Action code” |
Action code. |
An action code from an existing value list is selected from a drop-down menu.
“Case participants” |
Me, my unit, user, unit, distribution list, external participant, sender. |
Select the wanted type from a drop-down menu. “Me” and ”My unit” are dynamic and refer to the case creator and their unit, while a specific user, unit, distribution list or external participant can be added via the participant register. |
“Deadline” |
Deadline (Numeric value). |
When selecting this type, a field appears in which a numeric value, representing days until deadline, can be entered. |
“Disposal code” |
Disposal code. |
If F2 is configured to show disposal codes, an existing disposal code can be selected from a drop-down menu.
“File plan” |
File plan. |
A file plan from an existing value list is selected from a drop-down menu. |
“Keyword” |
Keyword. |
An existing keyword is selected from a drop-down menu. |
“Progress code” |
Progress code. |
An existing progress code is selected from a drop-down menu.
“Responsible” |
Me, my unit, user, unit. |
Select the wanted type from a drop-down menu. “Me” and “My unit” are dynamic and refer to the case creator and their unit, while a specific user, unit, team or distribution list can be added via the participant register. |
“Supplementary case managers” |
Me, my unit, user, unit, team, distribution list. |
Select the wanted type from a drop-down menu. “Me” and “My unit” are dynamic and refer to the case creator and their unit, while a specific user, unit, team or distribution list can be added via the participant register. |
“Case guide” |
Case guide. |
An existing case guide is selected from a drop-down menu. Requires the F2 Task Guides add-on module. |
Create an installation reference from “Installation references”
Go to the “Administrator” tab and click the Installation references menu item.
This opens the dialogue below. Click New in the ribbon to open the “New installation reference” dialogue.
Enter a title in the “Reference” field, then select a type in the drop-down menu. If the type needs further specification, another field appears next to the “Type” field. In the example below, the “User” type has been selected, and a field in which a user can be added appears. From this field it is also possible to search for a specific user in the participant register, which is opened by clicking the icon.
When a reference title and a type have been selected, click Create. The installation reference appears on the list in the “Installation references” dialogue and is ready for use.
When more than one installation reference is needed, it is practical to create them using this method. The list in the dialogue provides the creator with an overview of all existing installation references.
Create an installation reference from “Case templates”
Go to the “Settings” tab and click the Case templates menu item to open the “Case templates” dialogue.
To open the case template window, click New in the ribbon or select an existing case template and click Edit.
In “New case template”, select a field and click on its icon to open the “New installation reference” dialogue.
When the dialogue is accessed from a field, only installation reference types that comply with the chosen field may be created. On the figure below, the dialogue is opened from the “Action code” field, so the type is automatically set to “Action code” and cannot be changed.
After “Reference” and “Type” are chosen, click Create. The newly created installation reference is then added to the field on the case template. It can also be found on the list of installation references in the “Installation references” dialogue.