All bug fixes

Bugs we have fixed in version 11.1.

F2 Basics

  • Fixed a bug that caused records without flags to be handled improperly when grouping by the "Flag" column in the result list.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 Desktop to use excessive memory when repeatedly using the search window.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 Desktop to close unexpectedly when sorting with auto-grouping by the following columns: "Record number", "Appl: Days left", "Days until my next deadline", "Case No", "My flag", "My unit flag", "Gateway flag", "Gateway location", "Location".

  • Fixed a bug that could cause unsaved changes to a record to be overwritten automatically, if a newer version of the record was saved based on a user action.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented records on which a chat was received from being marked as read via the context menu, if the record was already selected in the result list.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from creating participants under the "Private" node.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a simple email that was a reply to another simple email to remain unsent to Cc and Xbc recipients.

  • Fixed a bug that caused units and teams to appear twice in the "Suppl. case mgr." field, when they were added as a supplementary case manager on a record.

  • Fixed a bug that caused sorting records by flag to work incorrectly.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the contents of a hidden menu group in the ribbon to remain hidden even if the group was made visible again.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to close unexpectedly when closing a record window.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to close unexpectedly when reloading the "Security groups" window after creating the first security group within an authority.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the email received date from being saved in an email sent to internal participants via a case guide or via merge to case participants.

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent users from viewing or adding participants when creating a new chat.

  • Fixed a bug that in some instances caused the result list to refresh when scrolling through the search lists.

  • Fixed a bug that caused searches for records with the "Completed" status to also include records with the "In progress" status.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a document to stay in a document monitoring state, which meant that F2 Desktop created a new record for the document on every startup.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the notification "You are the only chat participant" to appear on a note.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Print" button to malfunction in the "Third-party libraries" window.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 Desktop to close unexpectedly if a record window was open at the same time as the record was permanently deleted in the main window.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the font size displayed on the toolbar in the record editor pane to deviate from the font size in the record document’s content.

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the import program for security groups to prevent AdXmlImporter from importing security group members.

  • Fixed a bug that caused blank cells in a table in the record editor pane to be unaffected when the table was marked and the font changed in the toolbar.

  • Fixed a bug that caused empty lines to be unaffected when the text in the record editor pane was marked and the font changed.

  • Fixed a bug where the keyboard focus in the chat window was not automatically placed in the "Add participant" field when creating a new chat without participants.

  • Fixed a bug that caused dates in record and case history to be saved in a date format matching the user’s chosen language and not the system language.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from accessing the participant properties dialogue via the "Create participants" function in the record window, if the function was accessed from a participant that was pasted into one of the record window fields.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from removing the "Misc." and "Unit searches" node from favourites.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause invalid email addresses to be created when importing participants.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused signatures to be formatted incorrectly when inserted into emails.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Cancel" button to malfunction in the "System messages" dialogue for administrators.

F2 Touch

  • Fixed a bug that made the gated approver’s comments visible in F2 Touch despite the configuration enabling this being deactivated.

F2 Manager

  • Fixed a bug that could cause database timeouts when synchronising meeting records to F2 Manager.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused synchronisation to F2 Manager to fail due to invalid Unicode characters.

F2 Manager 2

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when loading meetings on a case with multiple ad hoc meetings on it.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a blank or outdated approval document to be shown.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the approval document from updating when the approval was changed.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a PDF to reload while being annotated.

  • Fixed a bug that caused annotations to be displayed for some but not all documents via the chat list on F2 Manager 2.


  • Fixed a bug that caused filters and fields to lose their operator and value if an element above them was deleted on the "Filter" and "Fields to fill in" tabs, respectively.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause certain filters, operators, and values to be displayed incorrectly in the preview due to lack of space in the user interface.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Save as" dialogue to open without the keyboard focus in the "Title" field.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "User setup" report to incorrectly report "MembershipRemoved" actions for security group members.

  • Fixed a bug that caused two columns in the "All case fields" report type to have the same name.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an error dialogue from appearing if F2 could not load the user interface for the chosen language.

Digital Post (Next Generation)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from replying to received Digital Post.

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when retrieving the recipient status "closed" for a citizen or company.

FOI Request

  • Fixed a bug that caused the creation of an FOI request report to fail if it included records with documents that were PDF generated before F2 version 4.3.

FOI Request, Advanced

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain documents added to an FOI request to appear as "Partly included" even before the FOI request was edited, if the OCR module was activated in the system.

Gateway Approvals

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a warning dialogue from being displayed when opening a document for editing, if the record that the document was attached to was awaiting action from a gated approver.

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent gatekeepers from being informed when an approval record or its documents were changed. The approval log now shows a yellow bar with a warning when the approval is sent back from F2 Manager and changes have been made in the meantime.

  • Fixed a bug that caused approvals to be "stranded" in the approval gateway of a copy recipient if the step’s approver had chosen "Return and resume with me", and the copy recipient had already marked the approval as read. Now the approval is no longer placed in the copy recipient’s gateway after read-marking.


  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to display an incomplete error message when trying to save or send a request with invalid characters in the description.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from changing a request deadline, description, or type on a request that had an attached answer record and had not yet been accepted.


  • Fixed a bug that could prevent new self-service submissions from being transferred to the submission queue and therefore they were not imported to F2. The error occurred when the enquiry was related to a closed case.

Service Builder

  • Fixed a bug that caused checkboxes and sets of check boxes to be inoperable in a self-service created via Service Builder.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause Service Builder tasks using a design template without any additional content to be displayed with a blank field area at the top of the job.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Service Builder design templates without self-service from using calculation fields.

Task Guides

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the F2WebPush service from sending web push messages.

  • Fixed a bug that caused PDF generation of documents to fail after sending emails.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to perceive a case guide as being in edit mode after the case window was closed. This prevented other users from editing the case guide.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented invalid characters in text fields in case guides from being shown as an error on F2 Desktop and caused a server error when trying to save.