All bug fixes

Bugs we have fixed in version 11.2.

F2 Basics

  • Fixed a bug that caused the search shortcut key to appear twice in the tooltip when advanced search was enabled.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused F2 to close unexpectedly when filling in participant fields.

  • Fixed a bug that caused previous record versions to appear as selectable while the record was in edit mode.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Edit" button in the record window to be active, even when the case was closed and the full case semantics configuration was enabled.

  • Fixed a rare bug that prevented certain users from logging in to F2.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused F2 to close unexpectedly when showing chat participants that are "Out of office".

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Send" button in the record window from updating when the record’s delivery type was changed.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a previously chosen sorting to fail in windows with multi-level lists, e.g. "Distribution lists" and "Document templates".

  • Fixed a bug that prevented reordering of a record’s documents when using drag and drop. The error could occur if F2 was configured to copy documents when using drag and drop to a location outside of F2.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an action from being cancelled even though its confirmation dialogue was closed, e.g. "Delete for everyone".

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Customise toolbar and ribbon" window to show menu items that would otherwise not be visible due to lack of privilege.

  • Fixed a bug that caused focus to be removed from the text field in the chat window when a message was sent by clicking the "Send" button.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a predefined group from being added as chat participants if one of the users in the group was deactivated.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented saving the setting for auto-grouping of participants in the "Select participant" and "Select participants" dialogues.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented new users from logging in to F2 if a user setting with a specific setup was saved.

  • Fixed a rare bug that prevented participants that are "Out of office" from being searchable.

  • Fixed a bug that caused pressing the Enter key in the "Delete personal reminder" dialogue to cancel the action instead of deleting the reminder as expected.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused error handling for importing emails to malfunction when the "SupportMailSender" configuration was set to null.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented sending records with attached PDFs that were incorrectly formatted or password-protected. The error occurred specifically in automated sending functions such as "Merge to case participants" and record tasks in case guides.

  • Fixed a bug that caused sorting by "My flag" to malfunction.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause F2 Desktop to close unexpectedly when retrieving a document.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the title of a new record from being updated on "My desktop" when the record was created via the "New document" menu item in the main window.

  • Fixed a bug in the "Customise toolbar and ribbon" window that prevented menu items in drop-down menus in the ribbon from being displayed, which prevented customisation.

F2 Touch

  • Fixed a bug that enabled the editing and saving of approvals even though they contained approval steps without an approver.

  • Fixed a bug that caused case help suggestions to be shown even if unnecessary based on the configuration.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a deactivated flag to be removed from a record when the record was selected.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the date stamp on a chat message from being hidden after being displayed when tapping on the chat message.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused a very light touch to close the menu displaying lists and folders.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the "UNDO" function to work incorrectly when a record was archived or deleted.

F2 Manager 2

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 Manager 2 to freeze if the iPad was set to English and the English language package was unavailable in the "Chats" section.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented app sections at the bottom from being hidden when the keyboard was displayed.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the buttons in the ribbon above a chat on an approval to be shown incorrectly when changing between approvals.

  • Fixed a bug that caused inconsistency between chat participants' initials in the chat list and their initials in F2 Desktop.

  • Fixed a bug that caused app sections at the bottom to be hidden in some cases.


  • Fixed a bug that caused certain columns to be translated incorrectly.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented changes in Analytics configurations from automatically taking effect, requiring manual handling on the server.

  • Fixed a bug that caused decimals to be formatted incorrectly when exporting to Excel.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the date of the last change to be displayed incorrectly. The displayed date was one month prior to the correct one.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused visual displacements in the "Analytics" window in the report setup overview.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Add approver" icon to appear too small.


  • Fixed a bug that in some instances prevented the content in chats and notes from being shown in cSearch’s preview after switching from another chat or note.

Digital Post (Next Generation)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented existing unsent Digital Post from being saved if a configuration was changed. The error occurred specifically in connection with the "Reply allowed" option.

FOI Request

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a new FOI request from being displayed in the list of active FOI requests until F2 Desktop was restarted.

Merge codes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the merge fields overview to freeze during loading and the window to display the loading icon.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the column positions in the "Merge to case participants" window from being saved.

Output manager

  • Fixed a bug that prevented records sent to - and then recalled from - output manager from automatically getting the "In progress" status.


  • Fixed a bug in the request window that caused the "Request deadline" and "Internal request deadline" fields to be missing fields for adding time stamps.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an icon from being shown on declined requests when the result list was shown as requests.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Select another record as answer record" function from removing the previous answer record correctly.

Service Builder

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Data Transfer Service from extracting data from fields defined on the "Task layout" tab.

  • Fixed a bug that caused file upload to fail with an inaccurate error message. The error could occur if the first task on the "Case guide" tab was missing a phase name.

  • Fixed a bug in the design template that caused fields of the "Attachment" type on the "Task layout" tab to be locked and therefore unable to be edited.

  • Fixed a bug that caused task titles on the "Task layout" tab to be overwritten by the guidance text, if any.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented two pages in a self-service from having the same title.