All bug fixes

Bugs we have fixed in version 11.4.

F2 Basics

  • Fixed a bug that caused tooltips for the advanced search fields "Unit responsible for record" and "Creator unit" to be incorrect.

  • Fixed a bug that caused an unsent chat message to disappear if the chat window’s WebView component closed unexpectedly while the message was being written.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the history in the "F2 settings" window from displaying when an F2 configuration was changed back to the default value.

  • Fixed a bug that caused focus to disappear from the text field upon sending the first message in a chat.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented personal reminders from opening under "on behalf of" access.

  • Fixed a bug that caused filtering of the result list to disappear when opening advanced search.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the search field in the "Select new parent unit" dialogue to be invisible when F2 Desktop was running in a foreign language.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause validation for date fields in the "System message" dialogue to fail.

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain functions in the main window’s context menu to lack a tooltip.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the blue underline of tab titles to have incorrect horizontal positioning in certain windows, such as "Security groups" and "Cleanup lists".

  • Fixed a bug that caused special characters including æ, ø and å to be displayed incorrectly in record documents that were not formatted in UTF-8.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a failed import from CVR to be unrepeatable without introducing new errors.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the tooltip for the "Access" field in the record window to lack explanatory text when an access restriction was placed on the record.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a search template search with date fields not using the time component to only return results with the time 00:00 and not the rest of the day in question.

  • Fixed a bug that caused text related to records saved as physical mail to be inaccurate.

  • Fixed a bug that caused file links to be created, even though they are not supported in the record’s writing pane and similar places.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented images from, for example, Windows Photo Viewer from being copied and pasted into F2.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented enforced case help from being triggered during right-click operations in the main window.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Show all unit searches" menu item to be visible to all users with access to the administrator tab and not just users with the "Search administrator" privilege.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented personal settings for creating a record PDF in the "Setup" dialogue from taking effect in the "Create adjusted record PDF" dialogue and when clicking "Create record PDF".

  • Fixed a bug that caused an English error message with sparse information to be displayed when attempting to create "on behalf of" rights for a user in a deactivated unit.

F2 Manager 2

  • Fixed a bug that could cause attached documents to be displayed in a different order on an open agenda item in the list to the left than when the agenda item was shown in the preview and on F2 Desktop.

F2 Touch

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 Touch to display the message "Are you sure you want to remove yourself as a chat participant" when the user removed themselves from a note.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the server restriction configuration to be disregarded.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented filtering on certain columns related to group requests.

  • Fixed a bug that caused fields to be visually displaced on the "Filter" tab in the "F2 Analytics" dialogue when creating a new filter with operators.

Case Template Editor

  • Fixed a bug that caused some of the text to be hidden in the dialogue displayed when F2 asks for confirmation when changing installation references.

Digital Post (Next generation)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an unsent Digital Post record from being opened if the sender unit was deactivated and the "Reply allowed" status was set up so that it could not be changed.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain records with a deactivated sender unit from being opened, if they were created or edited in a version of F2 between 8.6 and 10.4, and if F2 was subsequently updated to a version between 11.0 and 11.3.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the "Reply allowed" field to be displayed on received Digital Post, where it was irrelevant.

File upload

  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to select multiple files for upload for the "Email template" file type, even though only one file can be uploaded.

FOI request

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to only sometimes indicate whether a selected case was already associated with an FOI request when creating an new FOI request.


  • Fixed a bug that caused meeting forums from other authorities to be visible in the meeting overview.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Add to meeting" menu item in the record window to appear as active when the record was in edit mode.

Metadata Remover

  • Fixed a bug that on rare occasions caused Metadata Remover to be unable to clean Word documents of metadata.


  • Fixed a bug that in some instances prevented a request executor from seeing the dialogue "Participants do not have access to the record" when forwarding the request to a user who was not included in the access restriction. The error occurred if the request executor had previously been the request executor on the same record, and the record was subsequently access restricted.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Request text" column in the result list to display HTML tags when the result list was shown as records.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to display a confusing error message when the text in a request’s comment fields exceeded 1024 characters.

Service Builder

  • Fixed a bug that caused Service Builder to fail if the visibility of a field depended on a field that did not exist on the "Self-service" tab.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a citizen from proceeding to the next page in a self-service, because it was mandatory to tick a checkbox on the current page, even though the checkbox was invisible.

Task Guides

  • Fixed a bug that could allow a case guide to be edited or updated without the possibility of reloading it.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented enforced case help from being triggered for records created from case guides' document fields.