All features

New and exciting features in version 11.4.

F2 Basics

  • Performance has been improved when creating new units and security groups on systems with many external participants.

  • Performance has been improved when changing a user’s membership of security groups, units, etc. on systems with many groups and users.

  • Authorities have received a unique icon, which is displayed in search lists and in the participant register.

  • When clicking on the "Show all unit searches" menu item on the administrator tab, all units are now displayed with an icon corresponding to their type.

  • Performance has been improved when retrieving organisational structure during startup of systems with many security groups or distribution lists.

  • Dialogues related to physical mail are now displayed before case help dialogues when clicking on "Save" in the record window. Furthermore, the "Mark record as physical mail" dialogue will now only be shown when F2 has validated that the record can be saved as physical mail.

  • The text in the dialogue "Your document editing has been cancelled" has been improved.

  • It is possible to deactivate the "Security groups" menu item on the administrator tab in the main window through configuration. Configurations are made in collaboration with cBrain.

  • It is possible to hide all automatically created role types in drop-down menus through configuration. Configurations are made in collaboration with cBrain.

  • The "Role types and privileges" menu item on the administrator tab has received a new icon.

  • The "Assign role to users" menu item on the administrator tab has received a new icon.

F2 Manager 2

  • The synchronisation of documents attached to meetings' agenda items has been improved.

  • It is now possible to log out of the F2 Manager 2 app via "Settings".


  • Titles of standard configurations in F2 Analytics' preview are now displayed in the language selected in F2’s user interface.

  • Analytics now preserves the report template formatting in the columns on the "xData" tab when a report is downloaded.

  • The time component in the date and time picker in F2 Analytics has been improved. Selecting a precise time has become easier.

Service Builder

  • On the "Task layouts" tab, it is now possible to specify that the visibility of panels and fields in a case guide task depends on whether the caseworker ticks a checkbox earlier in the case guide. This feature is also known from the "Self-service" tab.

  • On the "Case guide" tab, it is now possible to specify an email template to be used for the automatic email receipt that F2 sends out when a citizen has made a self-service inquiry.

Task Guides

  • F2 now displays a better error message if there is an error when merging data from a case guide into a Word template.

  • It is now possible to use the tab key to jump to the next row in a table in a case guide task.