Distribution lists

Users who have a role that is assigned the “Distribution list editor” privilege can create and manage the shared distribution lists in F2.

It is possible to add units and users (also from other F2 authorities) as well as external participants to a distribution list. A distribution list can contain a mix of participants from the user’s own authority as well participants from other authorities, units and external participants.

It is also possible to add a distribution list to another distribution list, along with units, external participants and individual users. This makes it easier to maintain the distribution lists. If changes are made to the organisation it is only necessary to update the original distribution list. All distribution lists that contain the original list are then automatically updated.

Some distribution lists cannot be edited in F2. For example:

  • Distribution lists that are synchronised with Exchange

  • Distribution lists for units and teams.

For more information on creating and editing distribution lists, see Settings and Setup.

Changes to a team or unit name will not be displayed on the team’s or unit’s distribution list. However, it is possible to edit the name of a unit’s distribution list. To change the name of a team’s distribution list, the team must be deleted and recreated with a new name.