
Keywords help facilitate knowledge sharing within the organisation. Keywords can be assigned to records and cases, providing the organisation with a flexible method for searching for and organising information in F2.

Users with the “Keyword creator” privilege can create, manage and remove keywords in F2.

Administration of keywords

Keywords are managed using the Keyword administration menu item, located on “Administrator” tab.

Click on the Keyword administration menu item to open the dialogue in which keywords can be created, deleted, and edited. See the figure below.

Figure 1. The “Keyword administration” menu item
Keywords are shared by all users in all authorities in an F2 installation.
Figure 2. Administration of keywords

Keywords are divided into keyword groups. Click on New keyword group to create one.

To create a new keyword, first select a keyword group and then click on New keyword. The new keyword will then be placed in the chosen keyword group.

A keyword can be given a description and a duration, i.e. the keyword can be set as active for a limited period of time. Entering an end date is not required.

Only active keywords can be added to records and cases. Deactivated keywords remain on records and cases and can still be used in searches.

Click on Save to create the keyword.

If a keyword is used on a record or a case, it cannot be deleted in the keyword overview. However, it can be deactivated by entering an end date in the “Active period” field. In other words, a keyword cannot be used after the end date, but it can still be used in searches.
If a keyword is edited, records and cases on which it is used will be updated with the edited keyword.

Relevant keywords for units

The “Relevant keywords for units” menu item on the “Administrator” tab is used to allocate specific keywords to a unit. This helps the unit’s users select relevant keywords.

Figure 3. The “Relevant keywords for units” menu item

The organisation may assign relevant keywords to the individual units via the “Relevant keywords for units” window, as shown below. This makes it easier for the user to select the keywords for their records and cases.

The unit keyword allocation also means that when a user starts typing a keyword, F2 automatically displays relevant keywords.

Figure 4. Select keywords

The three columns in the “Relevant keywords for units” window are described below.

Column Description


Shows the organisational units created in F2.

“All keywords”

Shows an overview of available keywords that can be selected/deselected for the unit chosen in the “Unit” column.

“Relevant keywords for the unit [unit name]”

Displays the keywords that are relevant for the unit chosen in the “Unit” column.

Assign keywords to a unit

To assign one or more relevant keywords to a unit, select it in the “Unit” column. Drag the keywords from the “All keywords” column to the “Relevant keywords for the unit [unit name]” column. It is also possible to add a keyword by right-clicking on it and selecting “Add keyword”.

Click on OK to mark the keyword as relevant for the selected unit.

Remove keywords from a unit

To remove a keyword, simply drag them from the “Relevant keywords for the unit [unit name]” column to the “All keywords” column. It is also possible to remove a keyword by right-clicking on it and selecting “Remove keyword”.

Click on OK and the keyword is no longer marked as relevant for the selected unit.