On behalf of

In a number of situations, a user may need access to another user’s inbox for either a fixed time period or on a permanent basis. For example, a secretary may need access to their manager’s inbox.

There are two ways of allocating “on behalf of” rights:

  • A permanent allocation given by an administrator.

  • An ad hoc allocation which can also be given by a user.

The permanent “on behalf of” allocation is managed by a user with the “On behalf of administrator” privilege.

A user who is allocated “on behalf of” rights has access to another user’s F2. This includes the records located in the user’s “My private records” list. Two types of “on behalf of” rights exist:

A user with the “On behalf of administrator” privilege can allocate “on behalf of” rights to other users. This is described in the following section.

It is also possible to go on behalf of a deactivated user and perform actions as if the user were active.

Setting up “On behalf of”

On the “Administrator” tab, click on On behalf of to open the “On behalf of” dialogue.

Figure 1. The “On behalf of” menu item

The dialogue shows which users have “on behalf of” rights for other users. It is possible to assign or remove the “on behalf of” rights in this dialogue.

Figure 2. The “On behalf of” dialogue

Click on New to assign a new “on behalf of” relation. A dialogue opens in which you can assign a user “on behalf of” rights to another user’s F2.

Choose which type of “on behalf of” rights to assign to the user:

  • “Can perform all actions”. These are the full “on behalf of” rights.

  • “Can process approvals”. These are partial “on behalf of” rights.

Figure 3. Assigning “on behalf of” rights for all areas

If a user is given rights to process approvals on behalf of e.g. their manager, it is possible to specify in which inbox(es) approval notifications are received.

The notification can be sent to the user’s personal inbox, all the user’s inboxes, or a specific unit’s inbox.

Figure 4. Select the location for approval notifications

When selecting a specific unit inbox, the “Unit” field appears. Here, the relevant unit inbox can be selected.

Figure 5. Select a specific inbox

The “on behalf of” access can be given a duration. If a duration is not set, the access is active from the time it is assigned until it is removed again.

Figure 6. Assign “On behalf of” rights for processing approvals

Click on OK to complete.