The participant register

F2 contains a participant register that is shared by the entire organisation. It consists of participants that can be accessed by all F2 users regardless of unit.

To open the participant register, click the image Contact registry icon above the list view in the left side of the main window.

The participant register is then displayed as a tree structure in the list view, while the content of a selected list is displayed in the result list.

participant register
Figure 1. F2’s participant register in the main window

The participant register consists of three types of participants:

  • Internal participants: Users who are created and maintained in F2 via “Units and users”. If a user is moved from one F2 unit to another, this change is applied to the participant register as well. Use the “Units and users” dialogue to manage internal participants.

  • External participants: Participants who are either created manually by a user with the “Editor of participants” privilege or automatically. F2 automatically offers to create an external participant when an email is sent from or received in F2 and the recipient or sender is unknown to the participant register.

  • Private participants: Participants that are created manually by a user without “Editor of participants” privilege are private participants. If an F2 user receives an email from a sender that is unknown to the participant register, the user can choose to place that participant in the “Private” node.

    Participants created as “Private” can only be seen and maintained by the user who created them.

When an external participant is added to a record or a case, their information is copied from the participant register. However, if the external participant’s information is updated in the participant register, e.g. due to an address change, the updated information is not copied to records or cases to which participant was already added.

Participants are created in a tree structure with the organisation’s name at the top, then the unit and lastly contacts.

External participants

External participants are used as senders, recipients, and case participants on a record or case.

Users with either the “Editor of participants” or “Administrator” privilege can create and edit the shared external participants in F2, i.e. information on contacts and their organisation.

Through configurations it is possible to allow all users to create and edit external participants in either the entire participant register or in specific nodes. The configurations are disabled by default. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Create external participants manually

External participants can be created manually by users with the “Editor of participants” privilege. The participants are organised in a hierarchy and can be moved around. This means that both organisations and individual contacts can be managed in the participant register.

To create a new external participant, right-click a unit in the “External participant” node. Then click Create new participant.

create external participant
Figure 2. Create external participant

The “Create new participant” dialogue opens, and the relevant fields can be filled in. See the figure below.

Figure 3. The “Create new participant” dialogue

Click on OK to register the as an external participant in the selected organisation.

Create external participant automatically

If an email is sent from or received in F2 and the external sender or recipient is unknown to the participant register, F2 can be set up to automatically suggest creating the unknown participant in the shared participant register. To do this, click on Setup on the “Settings” tab in the main window. Go to the “Records” tab and scroll down to the “Create participant” section. Here, tick “Suggest creating participants which don’t currently don’t exist when editing or sending a record”.

The example below shows an email sent to F2 from Benoit. The dialogue informs the user that this participant cannot be found in the participant register. The participant may either be created as a new participant or replaced by an existing participant using the Replace selected button, which opens the participant register.

F2 has also registered that that unknown recipient is using the domain, and that other known participants have the same domain. Therefore, F2 suggests placing the unknown participant in the same domain group. Using the Select location button, it is possible to select a different location.

Figure 4. F2 suggests placing a new participant under an existing one

When the email domain is found on an existing participant and the box “This participant is the email domain owner” is ticked, F2 suggests placing the new participant with the same domain under the existing one in the tree structure. For example, the participant SKI owns the domain as shown to the right. Click on OK in the dialogue above to save Benoit under the same participant as SKI.

An administrator should regularly check that newly created participants are placed correctly in the external participant hierarchy.

Figure 5. Participant who owns an email domain

User and participant images

In the participant register images can be added, changed or removed for users, units and external participants. A user with the “Editor of participants” privilege can add, change or remove images for external participants. A user with the “User administrator” privilege can add, change or remove images for other users in the authority. A user with the “Unit administrator” privilege can add, change or remove images for units within the authority.

To add or change a participant’s image, open the participant register by clicking on Contacts on the navigation line in the main window. From here, right-click on a participant, and select Change image in the context menu.

Figure 6. Right-click on a participant in the participant register

In the “Change image” dialogue, click Browse to select an image from either a local or external drive on the computer. Use the zoom bar below the image to adjust the size. Then click on OK to add or change the image.

change image dialogue
Figure 7. The “Change image” dialogue

F2 users can change their own image through the user identification in the upper right corner of the main, record, and case windows.