Progress codes

Progress codes are a set of tools used to tag cases. By tagging a case with a progress code, the case is identified as being on a certain step in a process. Progress codes are shown both in the main window’s result list and in a case metadata field. This makes it easy to keep track of your cases at a glance.

Figure 1. Progress codes on cases in the main window’s result list

Progress codes can be set up to update automatically. You can do this either through a case guide or by specifying a deadline for a progress code. When the deadline expires, F2 automatically switches to the next relevant progress code. For example, your organisation might dictate that all enquiries must be registered within two weeks. A progress code can be created to help meet that deadline.

Contact cBrain for further information about using progress codes with case guides.

It is possible to integrate progress codes with the F2 cPort module (documentation available in Danish) in order to create an overview of deadline compliance for each progress code. F2 cPort is used to extract data from an F2 installation for statistics and analysis.

This article describes how to create, edit, delete, and add deadlines to progress codes.

Create progress code

You can create progress codes if you have the the "Progress code administrator" privilege. Go to the the "Administrator" tab and click Progress codes administration.

Figure 2. The "Progress codes administration" menu item

The "Progress codes" window opens.

Figure 3. The "Progress codes" window

Click Create new to create a new progress code.

progress codes create
Figure 4. Create new progress code

In the dialogue that opens, enter the relevant information as described in the table below.

Field Description

"Creation date"

Shows the date and time when the creator clicked Create new.

"Progress code"

Enter the title of the progress code. The title is shown in the "Progress code" column when viewing a list of cases. This field is mandatory and thus coloured red in the figure above.


Add a description of the progress code here, e.g. to state its purpose.

"Days to deadline"

When you add the progress code to a case, this deadline is automatically added as well. Enter the number of calendar days until the deadline. The day when the progress code is saved to the case counts as day 0. A progress code doesn’t require a deadline, but the progress code icon is only shown in the case result list if a deadline exists.

"Days to warning date"

Enter a warning date to decide when the progress code icon changes from green to yellow. Enter how many days you want the warning period to last, i.e. the period between the warning date and the deadline.


Activate the progress code. Inactive progress codes cannot be added to cases, but do appear in searches.

How this information affects the use of progress codes is described in Cases. This includes how the progress code icon changes colour in the result list based on the deadline and the warning date.

Click OK to create the progress code.

When using the F2 Task Guides module, progress codes can also be added automatically as part of tasks in a case guide.

Progress code overview

If you have the "Progress code administrator" privilege, you can see an overview of existing progress code in the "Progress codes" window.

Figure 5. The "Progress codes" window and its ribbon

Progress codes are sorted alphabetically by title in the "Progress code" column. Progress codes can also be sorted by the "Description" and "Active" columns. Under each column title is a field that lets you filter the displayed progress codes.

From this window you can edit, deactivate, and delete progress codes as described in the sections below.

Edit progress code

Click Edit in the ribbon or double-click a progress code to edit it. The dialogue below opens from which you can edit the progress code’s information such as title, description, and deadline.

progress codes edit
Figure 6. Edit a progress code

A progress code can also be deactivated in the dialogue. Deactivated progress codes still appear in the progress code overview, but cannot be added to cases.

Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to discard them.

You must restart to F2 to complete the deactivation of a progress code.

A deactivated progress code stil appears on the cases to which it was added before deactivation. This means that you can still use a deactivated progress code in your advanced searches. To do this, go to the "Case related" search group, click the drop-down arrrow in the "Progress code" search field, and select the deactivated progress code.

If you reactivate a progress code, it can be added to cases again.

Delete progress code

You can delete unused progress codes from the "Progress codes" window. When deleted the progress code is removed from the list of progress codes in both the case and the "Progress codes" windows.

To delete one or more progress codes, select them and click Delete in the ribbon.

You must restart to F2 to complete the deletion of a progress code.

If you attempt to delete a progress code that is currently in use, F2 offers to deactivate the progress code instead.

If a progress code that is in use must be deleted, it must first be manually removed from all cases to which it was added. Read more about manually removing progress codes.