
A team is a group of F2 users from different units within the same authority.

Teams in F2 are used for various purposes:

  • As access groups in the “Access restricted to” and “Limited access” fields on records and cases.

  • As supplementary units on a record.

  • As email, chat and note recipients.

  • As participants or stakeholders on meetings that are managed via the add-on modules F2 Manager (ad hoc meetings) and F2 Meetings (documentation available in Danish).

Teams can be created by users who have roles with the “Team creator” privilege.

Teams are managed in the “Teams” dialogue. Click on Teams on the “Settings” tab in the main window.

Figure 1. The “Teams” menu item

The “Teams” dialogue opens. Here teams can be created, edited, displayed, and deleted.

Figure 2. The “Teams” dialogue

Click on New to create a team. In the dialogue, add:

  • Title.

  • Description.

  • One or more team administrators to maintain the team.

  • A synchronisation key if you want to automatically update the team. Synchronisation is often through AD, but can also be with other systems (e.g. cBrain’s M4 system).

  • A tick in the “Active” box to activate the team so it can be used on records and cases.

  • Team members, either individual users or distribution lists.

dialogues for teams
Figure 3. Dialogues for team creation and editing