Receiving and managing approvals

When an approval is started, the first approver on step 1 receives the approval in their inbox.

Hover the cursor over the approval icon in the result list to see:

  • At which user the approval is pending.

  • Whether the approval has been returned.

unread approval inbox
Figure 1. Approval received in the inbox

When the approval record is opened, the approver can start processing it. The approver has the following processing options:

  • Return

  • Approve.

display mode steps
Figure 2. Display of approval process

The blue highlight in the approval flow shows that the approval is now on step 2, in this case with Sienna Morton.

An approval can be undone, and it is also possible to withdraw and restart an approval process. Read more about this in section Return, undo, and withdraw an approval.

The table below describes the approver’s processing options.


approver actions approve

Select the “Approve” tab to approve.

It is possible to add a comment in the “Comment” field.

Click on Approve and send to [username] to send the approval to the next step in the flow - in this case, step 3.

When the user on the last step clicks on Approve, the approval is final and the approval flow is then complete.


approver actions return

Select the “Return” tab to return the approval.

It is possible to add a comment in the “Comment” field.

Select the step to which the approval must be returned in the “Return to” drop-down menu. Any approval step except for the user’s own can be selected.

By default, the name of the responsible user is shown in the “Return to” field.

Click on Return and resume after [selected user name] to return the approval to the selected user, in this case Hannah Hendricks.

The approval flow starts over from this user, and the record must be approved again on all subsequent steps.

Return and resume with me returns the approval to the specified user (here to the responsible user: Hannah Hendricks). After processing, the approval returns to the current user, i.e. Harper Ross on step 2, skipping any in-between steps.

Return and resume after me (conditional approval): The approval is returned (here to the responsible user: Hannah Hendricks), and after processing the approval flow is resumed after the current approver’s step, i.e. step 3, as if the approval had just been approved on step 2.

Resume with

approver actions resume

The “Resume with” option is displayed when an approval has been returned, undone or withdrawn.

Use “Resume with” to restart the approval process.

The responsible user/approver has the following options:

To restart the approval process and go through all approval steps again: In other words, the approval is resumed with Holly Rogers (step 1).

To skip the approval step before the current approver’s own approval step (“Resume with me”): The approval is resumed with Harper Ross (step 2) and step 1 (Holly Rogers) is skipped.

To resume the approval flow after the current approver’s step: Harper Ross has approved conditionally, and the responsible user is advised to resume the approval process with Hector Richards (step 3).

The return options depend on the given approval step and on the recommendations of previous approvers.

The responsible user does not have to follow the recommendation if there are several options for resuming the flow.

If the “Changes have been made to record documents/metadata” notification is displayed, changes have been made after the approval has been sent to the current step.

Figure 3. Warning that changes have been made to documents or metadata

Click on the triangular warning symbol image88 to view an account of the changes.

Figure 4. Changes to the record document/metadata

Return, undo, and withdraw an approval

When an approval is returned, undone, or withdrawn, the approval flow temporarily stops.

Returning an approval

By clicking Return, the approval returns to a previous step with a notification that the approval cannot be approved. This can be done in three different ways, each of which indicates the degree of changes necessary before the approval can be approved (see the table above).

  • Return and resume after [user name]: The selected return recipient starts the approval flow from their step and the approval must go through all approval steps again (complete return).

  • Return and resume with me: The approval is returned to a previous step in the approval flow. The return recipient then sends the approval back to the current approver (return for correction).

  • Return and resume after me: The approval is returned for minor corrections before the approval flow continues to the next step in the original flow (conditional approval).

When returning, the approver has the option to add a comment on why the approval is returned.

When the approval is returned, the approval process stops temporarily and must be resumed after the reason for the return has been resolved.

Undoing an approval

“Undo” is used when an approver wants to revert their approval and bring back the approval to their step from a subsequent step. To undo an approval, click the three dots and then Undo approval.

Figure 5. Undo approval

The approval flow is thereby temporarily stopped. This can only be done if the approval has not been finally approved. The approver can only undo their own approval.

Withdrawing an approval

Unlike undoing, withdrawing an approval covers the entire flow and does not just undo a single step. When an approval is withdrawn, it is reverted to the user responsible for creating the approval. To withdraw an approval, click on the three dots on the step of the responsible user and then Undo start. The responsible user may withdraw their approval at any time.

Figure 6. Withdraw an approval by clicking “Undo start”

Withdrawing an approval temporarily stops the approval flow, but does not cancel an approval. A withdrawn approval can still be resumed.

Resuming an approval

An approval that has been returned, undone or withdrawn is still in an active process and can therefore be resumed. To resume the approval, click on Resume with: [Username].