Create a case from a case template

When a case template has been created in an organisation, it is accessible from the drop-down menu at the top of the “New case” dialogue. A case template that is associated with a specific unit is invisible to users outside of this unit.

The figure below shows an example of the "New case" dialogue. The dialogue’s default fields depend on your organisation’s setup. Read more about creating cases in general.

Figure 1. The “New case” dialogue

Click the drop-down arrow in the top right corner of the dialogue to open a list of available case templates. If a case template is intended for the user’s unit specifically, its title is bolded and the name of the unit is shown in brackets. See the figure below.

Figure 2. Drop-down menu for case templates

Click the desired case template. Similar to the default fields in the “New case” dialogue, some fields on the case template may be mandatory to fill in.

A field may also be pre-filled. This function is practical in e.g. the keyword field if a user often creates cases with a certain keyword or set of keywords.

A pre-filled field may be locked to prevent the case creator from editing its contents. This function may be used if the case being created from the case template must have a certain access restriction which should not be changed by the user. A locked field may also be hidden, which may be useful if its contents is irrelevant to the user during case creation.

The figure below shows a case template with a number of fields.

Figure 3. Example of case template

The fields on the case template example are discussed below.

The table below discusses the fields as they are configured in the case template example above. The case creator’s options for each field depend on the configuration of the case template. For further information on how to set up a case template, see Create a case template.
Field Description


Enter a title for the case. This field is always mandatory.

“Disposal code”

Enter a disposal code. In the figure above, the field is red because it is mandatory in this example.

This field is only visible if F2 is configured to display disposal codes. This configuration is made in cooperation with cBrain.

“File plan”

Enter a file plan. In the figure above, the field is red because it is mandatory in this example.

On a case template, any access restriction will invalidate a file plan’s security group. If a file plan with a security group is added to the “File plan” field, but the “Access restriction” field is also filled in, the file plan security group will be voided. For further information, see Access restrictions on cases based on templates.


Enter one or more keywords. In the figure above, the field is red because it is mandatory in this example.


Enter a deadline. In the example above, the field is optional and may remain empty.

“Supplementary case manager”

Enter a supplementary case manager. In the example above, the field is pre-filled with the user Ishwar Tagore. However, this field may be edited and another user may be added by either typing a name or clicking the participant register icon, image8.


Enter a responsible user or unit. In the example above, this field is pre-filled with the “IT Office” unit and cannot be edited by the user. This is indicated by the field’s grey colour.

After the case template’s mandatory fields and any optional fields have been filled in, click OK to create the case.

Case templates can be set up to automatically include the sender of an incoming email as a case participant. To do this, use the “Sender” installation reference type in the “Case participants” field during setup of the case template. The sender will then be added to the corresponding field in the “New case” dialogue when creating a new case via a received email. This option only applies to the “Case participants” field.