Progress codes

Progress codes are a set of tools used to tag cases. By tagging a case with a given progress code, the case is identified as being on a certain step in a process. Progress codes are shown both in the main window’s result list and in a case metadata field. This makes it easy to view the progress of your cases at a glance.

Figure 1. Progress codes on cases

Progress codes can be set up to update automatically. You can do this either through a case guide or by specifying a deadline for a progress code. When the deadline expires, F2 automatically switches to the next relevant progress code. For example, your organisation might dictate that all enquiries must be registered within two weeks. A progress code can be created to help meet that deadline.

Progress codes are created and maintained by a user with the "Progress code administrator" privilege.

This article describes how to use progress codes in the case window, in the main window, and how progress codes are displayed.

Add a progress code in the case window

You can add a progress code to a case when in edit mode. Click image Show more fields to open the extended case view. Here you will find the "Progress code" field. Click the field to open a drop-down menu with all active progress codes. Then click on the progress code you wish to add to the case.

Figure 2. Add a progress code to the case

Click Save in the case window ribbon to save the progress code to the case.

If the progress code has a deadline, the day when the progress code is saved to the case counts as day 0.

Remove progress code manually

Progress codes can be removed manually in the same way as they are added. When in edit mode, click the "Progress code" field to open its drop-down menu and select the empty entry at the top of the list. This option corresponds to "No progress code".

Figure 3. Remove progress code

Click Save in the case window ribbon to save the changes and remove the progress code from the case.

Add a progress code in the main window

You can add or change a progress code in the main window using the case context menu. Right-click the case and navigate to the Set progress code menu item to see a list of active progress codes. Click on a progress code to add it to the case. If the case already has a progress code, it is indicated with a checkmark in the list of progress codes in the context menu.

Figure 4. Add a progress code using the context menu
If the progress code has a deadline, the day when the progress code is saved to the case counts as day 0.

Viewing progress codes

You can view and sort cases with progress codes by using three columns in the result list. The columns are "Progress code icon" (1), "Progress code" (2), and "Deadline" (3), which displays the case deadline.

Figure 5. Result list columns related to progress codes

The progress code flag icon changes colour as the case is nearing its deadline. The colours are configured in cooperation with cBrain.

Icon Description


The flag is green until the warning date.


The flag is yellow from the warning date until the deadline.


The flag is red when the deadline has expired.

Deadlines and warning dates

Deadlines and warning dates are calculated from midnight on the day you save a progress code to a case. This means that the day on which you save the progress code is not included in the calculation.


A progress code has a deadline of 7 days and a warning date 3 days before the deadline. If you save this progress code to a case on the 10th day of the month, the warning period begins at 00:00 on the 14th. The deadline will expire at 23:59 on the 17th.

Figure 6. Progress code timeline

When the progress code is added to the case on the 10th, the progress code icon is green. It remains green until 23:59 on the 13th. When the warning date begins at 00:00 on the 14th, the icon turns yellow. At 00:00 on the 18th, the icon turns red to indicate that the deadline has expired.