
F2 offers various means of communication. Each of these is intended for use in a specific situation.

Sometimes an email is the best form of communication, sometimes it is more efficient to use the chat feature or the option of reallocating responsibility for a record instead.

Below is a list of the various forms of communication in F2.

Communication form Description


Send, forward and reply to records.

These functions are used for formal communication and for communication external to F2.

Unlike an external email, when an email is sent internally in F2, recipients do not receive a copy of the record. All F2 users see the original record in their inbox.

Sent records cannot be modified.


Chat is used for informal communication in relation to tasks or other types of coordination and knowledge sharing in the organisation.

Since chats must be created on a record, the context of the chat will always be clear, ensuring effective communication.


Like the chat, a note is an informal type of communication. Unlike the chat, the note is visible to all users with read access to the record to which it is added. Recipients can be added to the note to notify them of its creation.

You can also add notes to cases.

Responsible user/unit

Allocation of responsibility is used when assigning tasks to a unit or a user.

The intention is to allocate tasks in F2 as one would place a task in a physical inbox or on a colleague’s desk.

Supplementary case manager

Adding a user or unit as a supplementary case manager in the “Suppl. case mgr.” metadata field notifies the user/unit that they are now a supplementary case manager on the record.

This means that they now have access to edit the record. The extent of this access is specified in the personal settings of the user who adds them.


An annotation adds formal information visible to all users to a record.

Request (add-on)

In F2, it is possible to request tasks from other users/units/authorities within the same F2 installation.

Approval (add-on)

In F2, it is possible to submit records for a formal approval with other users and units within the F2 installation.