Transfer cSearch results to F2’s main window

cSearch’s list of results can be transferred to F2’s main window. To transfer the results, click the image43 icon in the cSearch window.

Figure 1. Transfer search results

The dialogue below opens, and either the displayed excerpt of records or all records can be transferred from the cSearch result list to F2’s main window.

Click Add to add the selection to the “cSearch results” folder. Click Overwrite to replace the folder’s existing content (if a previous search was transferred) with the new search results. This will transfer the cSearch results in the form of records to the “cSearch results” folder. The folder is located in the “Folders” node in the list view at the left of F2’s main window.

Figure 2. Transfer results to F2’s main window

Only search results containing records can be transferred. If the list does not contain any records, e.g. if the list contains only cases, the dialogue below appears.

Figure 3. The “Search result not transferred” dialogue