Manage cleanup searches

The majority of cleanup work is done in the “Data cleanup” window. The organisation’s searches are created, managed, and deleted from this window. Open the window via the main window’s “Settings” tab by clicking the Data cleanup menu item.

Figure 1. The “Data cleanup” icon

The window’s layout is displayed below.

data cleanup window
Figure 2. Layout of the “Data cleanup” window

The layout consists of the following elements:

  • A ribbon (1).

  • All available cleanup searches (2).

  • The generated cleanup list (3).

  • A preview of the element currently selected in the list (4).

The ribbon contains the following menu items:

Function Description


Delete all cases and records in the cleanup list.


Temporarily remove the selected case from the list.


Generate a PDF report detailing all records and cases on the list. The report serves as a foundation for preliminary cleanup work before deletion. A report can also be generated as part of the actual deletion, but its contents differs slightly.


Open the “Edit criteria” dialogue to edit the cleanup search criteria. It is also possible to delete the search in the dialogue.


Create a new cleanup search.


Refresh the result list for the selected cleanup search. The function helps keep the list up to date as other users may affect its contents by updating case metadata or doing cleanup work.

Below the ribbon the installation’s cleanup searches are sorted chronologically by creation date. Click a search to generate a cleanup list of relevant records or cases.

Records and cases are displayed in a result list at the bottom left of the window. The result list contains the columns “Title”, “Responsible”, “Closed on”, “ID”, and "Keyword". Additionally, record cleanup lists include the columns "Case keywords" and "Case title". You can hide any of these columns, but not add additional ones. The contents of the columns correspond to those of the same name in the main window result list.

Next to the result list is a preview showing a predetermined range of metadata from the record or case selected in the result list. The metadata have determined by their relevance to cleanup tasks. Click Participants to view the participants involved on the record or case.

Between the cleanup searches and the cleanup list is a free-text search field. Use this to search for specific records or cases, responsible users or units, dates, or case numbers within the list.

It is possible to create two types of cleanup searches: record cleanup searches and case cleanup searches. Record cleanup searches are used to clean up and, if relevant, delete records without deleting their associated cases. Case cleanup searches are used to clean up and, if relevant, delete cases and their records. The two types are described in separate sections below.

Click on New record cleanup search to create a new record cleanup search. The "New record cleanup search" dialogue opens, which is displayed below.

data cleanup create record search
Figure 3. The "New record cleanup search" dialogue

Name the cleanup search. Then fill in a range of search fields to specify the types of records yielded by the cleanup search. There are no restrictions or requirements as to how many search fields to fill in, making it possible to only fill in those relevant to the particular cleanup task.

Record cleanup searches can be defined based on both records' and their associated case’s metadata as described in the table below.

Felt Description

Cleanup search title

Mandatory field. Give the search a name that describes its content, for example, "HR records older than 3 years".

Record keywords

Optional field. Add one or more keywords. The search will yield records that are marked with at least one of the selected keywords.

Record completed date

Optional field. In the drop-down menu, select how long ago the record was completed. Choose between completion 1/2, 1, 2, 3, or 5 years ago.

Case title

Optional field. Write one or more words. The search will only yield records associated with cases where all the words are included in the case title. It is possible to use logical operators such as *, AND, OR, parentheses, and quotation marks. Read more about the use of logic operators in searches.

Case keywords

Optional field. Add one or more keywords. The search will yield records that are associated with cases that are marked with at least one of the selected keywords.

Disposal codes

Optional field. Add one or more disposal codes. The search will yield records associated with cases marked with one of the selected disposal codes.

File plans

Optional field. Add one or more file plans. The search will yield records associated with cases marked with one of the selected file plans.

Case completed date

Optional field. Select amount of time since the case was completed with the drop-down menu. Choose between completion 1/2, 1, 2, 3, or 5 years ago.

Cleanup searches where at least one of the case fields is filled in will only yield records with a case association. Leave the case fields empty if you also want to find records not on cases.

Click on Create to create the cleanup search. When opened, the search will yield a cleanup list of all records currently matching the specified criteria.

Click New case cleanup search to create a new case cleanup search. The “New case cleanup search” dialogue opens, which is displayed below.

Figure 4. The “New case cleanup search” dialogue

Name the cleanup search. Then fill in the search fields to specify the types of cases yielded by the cleanup search. There are no restrictions or requirements as to how many search fields to fill in, making it possible to only fill in those relevant to the particular cleanup task.

The following table describes the fields in the dialogue and how to fill them.

Field Description

Cleanup search title

Mandatory field. Give the search a name alluding to its contents, e.g. “Job applications (completed)”.

Case title

Optional field. Enter one or more words. The search will only yield cases with titles that contain all entered words. It is possible to use logic operators such as *, AND, OR, parentheses, and quotation marks. Read more about the use of logic operators in searches.


Optional field. Add one or more keywords. The search will yield cases marked with at least one of the selected keywords.

Disposal codes

Optional field. Add one or more disposal codes. The search will yield cases marked with one of the selected disposal codes.

File plans

Optional field. Add one or more file plans. The search will yield cases marked with one of the selected file plans.

Completed date

Optional field. Select amount of time since the case was completed with the drop-down menu. Choose between completion 1/2, 1, 2, 3, or 5 years ago.

Click Create to create the cleanup search. When opened, the search will yield a cleanup list of all cases currently matching the specified criteria.

Select a cleanup search and click Edit criteria to edit or delete it. The “Edit criteria” dialogue opens. Besides its title and icon, the dialogue is identical to the “New [record/case] cleanup search” dialogue (depending on the search’s type). Edit the search parameters by the same guidelines as applies to creation, then click Save to save the changes.

The cleanup search can also be deleted via this dialogue. Deleting the search has no effect on its current contents, i.e. any records or cases on its list will be preserved in F2’s database.

Figure 5. Save changes or delete search