Introduction to F2 Digital Post (e-Boks)

cBrain’s F2 Digital Post (e-Boks) offers an integration possibility with e-Boks, a platform for digital communication, which allows for sending and receiving digital mail in F2 using e-Boks.

F2 Digital Post (e-Boks) is an integration component that not only saves delivery costs for authorities and businesses, but also reduces time spent on case management. F2 Digital Post (e-Boks) can be used by all users and is just as simple as sending a regular email from F2.

In order to use Digital Post (e-Boks) in F2, it is a prerequisite that the recipient has either a CPR or CVR number and that this number is registered in F2’s participant register.

F2 Digital Post (e-Boks) integrates with the digital mailboxes of authorities, companies, and citizens. Incoming e-Boks deliveries are automatically transferred to F2.

It is a legal requirement that public authorities must be able to deliver Digital Post to citizens and businesses through the digital mail solution known as Digital Post. Public authorities can use the Digital Post (Next Generation) add-on.

Organisations that also use cBrain M4 can also send digital mail using M4.

Through a configuration, it is possible to restrict to which CPR and CVR numbers the digital mail can be delivered. This is e.g. useful for testing. The configuration is turned off by default. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.