Receiving e-Boks deliveries

An organisation can receive e-Boks deliveries directly in F2. This means that F2 users do not have to log in to the organisation’s e-Boks to check for new mail. The digital mail is instead delivered directly to the unit’s or user’s F2 inbox via e-Boks. This saves a substantial amount of time, which instead can be used for case management.

Which units or users that receive e-Boks deliveries is configured in cooperation with cBrain. It is also possible to configure that the default recipient receives all replies to e-Boks deliveries sent from F2.

Figure 1. Receiving an e-Boks delivery in the unit’s inbox

When incoming mail from e-Boks is opened in F2, the record metadata will show that it has been sent and received using e-Boks.

Click on Reply in the ribbon to reply to the received record.

mail received from eboks
Figure 2. Digital mail received from e-Boks