Receiving Digital Post deliveries

An organisation can receive deliveries from Digital Post directly in F2. Digital Post deliveries are delivered to the unit’s or user’s F2 inbox via Digital Post.

It is possible to configure multiple Digital Post mailboxes in F2. This means that incoming Digital Post deliveries can be automatically distributed to the inboxes of specific units or users.

Figure 1. Receiving a Digital Post delivery in the unit’s inbox

When an incoming Digital Post delivery is opened, the record metadata will show that it has been sent and received using Digital Post.

A citizen may forward a Digital Post delivery to F2 from another public authority and include a message. When received in F2, the original Digital Post delivery forwarded by the citizen is created as a record. The citizen’s message is added as a note to this record. The letter date of the original Digital Post delivery serves as the letter date of the record.
Digital Post deliveries sent from other systems may contain invalid letter dates such as 01.01.0001. F2 replaces invalid letter dates with the reception date of the Digital Post delivery in F2. A note is added to the record informing the recipient that the sending system’s letter date was not set up correctly.

Click on Reply in the ribbon to reply to the received Digital Post delivery.

reply to ngdp
Figure 2. Reply to Digital Post email

A sender may have chosen to disable replies to their Digital Post delivery. In this event the “Reply” menu item is deactivated, and a tooltip shows that replies are disabled.

ngdp reply disabled
Figure 3. A Digital Post delivery with replies disabled
A received Digital Post delivery cannot be forwarded.