F2 FOI Request, Advanced configuration options

The configuration of F2 FOI Request, Advanced is performed on an installation level and adjusted to fit the individual organisation and its work procedures. The following can be configured in cooperation with cBrain:

  • Select a default setup for editing the FOI request report. The “Edit FOI Request” dialogue can be set up with a configuration that applies to the entire F2 installation. This means that FOI request reports are generated using the same setup by default. However, the individual user can still adjust a given FOI request report.

  • Add a filter that automatically removes unwanted content before the FOI request report is generated. This may be records or file content with a certain title. The filter can also be applied to approval documents if they are included in the basis.

  • Exclude requests and annotations when a new FOI request is created or when new records are added to an existing FOI request.

  • Define an empty record document in F2. A record document without text becomes an empty page in an FOI request report. This can be avoided if the organisation creates an empty record document definition. In this case, F2 will automatically remove pages from the FOI request report that would have been empty. This filter is invisible to users.

  • Specify the text of the black bar at the top of appendices of the FOI request report.

  • Define a default layout for the FOI request report including a default front page.

  • Include a front page in the FOI request report with a list of contents.

  • Choose between several FOI request templates.

  • Add page numbers in the FOI request report. The format of the page numbering is configurable.

  • Display page numbers as Roman numerals.

  • Configure the format of title bookmarks for records, cases, documents, requests, and annotations in the PDF when an FOI request report is generated. Bookmarks may also be omitted.

  • Add a bookmark for a group of records not associated with a case in the PDF when generating an FOI request report.

  • Include the option of removing duplicates from the FOI request report. This means that an element with duplicates is only included once in the report.

  • Tick the “Remove duplicate documents” checkbox by default.

  • Include approval documents in the basis of the FOI request.