Icons for gateway approvals

An approval record’s current location and deadline compliance can be seen at a glance by the icon displayed in the result list.

Hover the cursor over the icon in the result list to display a tooltip with information about the approval’s location and status. The tooltip will inform you of the current approval step and whether the approval is awaiting pre-processing or post-processing by the gatekeeper.

Below is a complete overview of icons related to the approval gateway and their meaning.

Icon Description

before no deadline

The approval is located at the gatekeeper before the gated approver and has no deadline.

before deadline ok

The approval is located at the gatekeeper before the gated approver with more than 7 days until its deadline.

before deadline less than

The approval is located at the gatekeeper before the gated approver with less than 7 days until its deadline.

before deadline exceeded

The approval is located at the gatekeeper before the gated approver and has an exceeded deadline.

on manager no deadline

The approval is located on F2 Manager and has no deadline.

on manager deadline ok

The approval is located on F2 Manager with more than 7 days until its deadline.

on manager deadline less than

The approval is located on F2 Manager with less than 7 days until its deadline.

on manager deadline exceeded

The approval is located on F2 Manager and has an exceeded deadline.

after no deadline

The approval is located at the gatekeeper after the gated approver and has no deadline.

after deadline ok

The approval is located at the gatekeeper after the gated approver with more than 7 days until its deadline.

after deadline less than

The approval is located at the gatekeeper after the gated approver with less than 7 days until its deadline.

after deadline exceeded

The approval is located at the gatekeeper after the gated approver and has an exceeded deadline.