F2’s help tools

F2 contains a selection of help tools available to all users. The tools vary in level of detail to support you in your work whether you are completely new to F2 or an experienced user in search of new knowledge.

Help in F2 starts with the tooltips on many of its functions. These tooltips provide short explanations to help you remember what specific menu items do.

Figure 1. The tooltip explains navigation between windows
If the tooltip says Press F1 for help at the bottom, you can open a help article about the function using F1.

The actual help tools are available on the Help tab. You can open the tab in the main, record, and case windows.

help tab
Figure 2. The "Help" tab in the main window

On the tab you can find both F2 Help - the integrated help function in F2 - and F2 Docs, which is the website you are currently viewing. You can also access cBrain’s learning videos that introduce fundamental concepts and workflows in animated shorts.