The main window preview

With the main window preview visible, it is possible to see the content of records and documents that you select in the result list. The preview can be hidden or displayed either next to or below the result list. You can adjust the preview alignment on the main window’s “Settings” tab.

Figure 1. Choose where to display the preview in the main window

The following sections introduce the various functions available in the preview such as those in the document context menu, previewing participant properties and distribution list contents, and printing documents via the preview.

Preview functions

The preview contains a number of functions to facilitate work with records and documents.

Figure 2. Preview functions in the main window

From here it is possible to:

  • View and open chats (1).

  • View and open notes (2).

  • View and open annotations (3).

  • Navigate between the record, its participants, any approvals, and requests (4).

Approvals can be processed from the preview window directly.

The following sections provide an overview of the main window’s additional preview functions.

Right-click functions for documents in the preview

Right-clicking a document in the preview lets the user perform any of the functions below.

Icon Function Description


Show PDF

Opens the selected document as a PDF file.



Opens the selected document in the format chosen during setup. The icon changes depending on the file format, e.g. PDF or Word.


Export file…

Saves the document to the user’s computer.



Opens the “Properties” dialogue that shows the document’s properties.


Copy link to document

Copies a hyperlink to the record to which the document is attached.

This hyperlink can be pasted into other records, case metadata or notes, chats, annotations, etc. Read more about linking to documents.

Show properties for participants in the preview

It is possible to go directly to properties for participants and distribution lists from the main window’s preview. Right-click on a participant or list and then click on Show properties.

Figure 3. Right-clicking on a participant in the preview

Show distribution list content in the preview

It is possible to view the current content of a distribution list directly from the main window’s preview. Right-click on a distribution list in the “Recipient” field in the preview and then click on Show content.

Figure 4. Right-clicking on a distribution list in the preview

A dialogue opens to show the content of the distribution list. See the figure below.

Figure 5. The “Show content” dialogue

The dialogue shows the content of the distribution list at the time when it was opened. Later changes made to the distribution list are not displayed. It may be necessary to close the dialogue and reopen it to e.g. see newly added users.

It is possible to print attachments from the main window preview.

Click on a record in the result list to see its preview. Select the attachment to be printed and then click on the Print menu item in the main window ribbon.

In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Print attachment and the selected attachment will be ready for printing.

Attachments can only be printed individually. It is necessary to click each attachment and print them one at a time. All attachments can be printed using the Create record as PDF menu item. This menu item is further described in Records.

print appendix
Figure 6. Print attachment from the preview in the main window
If the main window preview is disabled, attachments can still be printed by showing documents in the result list. When showing documents, the record document cannot be printed.