Lists and folders

This article describes the various searches, lists and folders that are available in F2’s main window. This includes the contents of the lists, how to use search tabs, and how to structure information in F2 using folders.

F2 is installed with a number of predefined lists. These lists are configured when F2 is first set up, which means search lists may vary between installations.

You can find both predefined lists and your own personal lists in the left side of the main window.

Figure 1. Groups of lists

Click on a list or folder node to expand it and display its sublists or subfolders.

The list view of the main window is divided into several nodes:

List Description


In this node the user can add frequently used lists. These may be predefined lists or lists created by the user. It is also possible to add cases.


F2 comes pre-configured with several default lists. As a minimum, F2 includes the lists "Archive", “My inbox”, “My desktop”, “My archive”, “My sent records”, “My chatted records”, “Outbox”, and “Latest documents”.

“Units searches”

Contains lists belonging to the user’s unit. This node may contain an unlimited number of lists. The lists are adapted to the organisation.

“Personal searches”

Here F2 collects all lists created by the user.


This shows the unit lists (i.e. the unit’s inbox, desktop and archive) for all units in which a user has job roles. This means that a user with a job role in multiple units will see one node for their current unit and one for other units.

“Current unit”

Unit lists for the user’s current unit.

“Other units”

Unit lists for all other units in which the user has job roles, but is not currently logged into, are collected in this node.

If a user only has a job role in a single unit, the “Other units” node is not displayed.


This node contains results from cSearch (add-on module), “Personal folders” as known from e.g. Outlook, “Management dashboards results” (add-on module), and “Shared folders”, which are visible to everyone.


This node contains private records, deleted records, a shared library, and the option to search in all of F2.

The division may vary between installations.

Filtering lists in the main window

Above the lists in the main window is a field for filtering lists. Enter a word in the field, and F2 automatically filters out lists that do not match the query and only displays relevant lists.

Figure 2. Filtering lists

Standard lists

The “Standard” node is defined during the installation of F2. The lists generally included in “Standard” are specified here.

Figure 3. The “Standard” node
List Description


Contains the total amount of shared data and information in F2. This excludes private, deleted, and library records.

“My inbox”

Generally contains everything you receive from internal and external senders, such as records, emails, chats, notes, requests, approvals, responsibility-distributed records, etc. You can move records from other lists to your inbox via personal management.

“My desktop”

Contains all records you create. You can add records from other lists to the desktop via personal management. Email records can be automatically removed from the desktop when sent.

“My archive”

Contains all types of records the you are or have been involved in and still can access. The list functions as a subset of the “Archive”.

“My sent records”

Contains all types of records you have sent, distributed, allocated responsibility for, etc. to other users or participants internally and externally. This means records on which you appear in the “From” field.

“My chatted records”

Contains all types of records on which you have sent a chat.


Contains a list of all current approvals you are involved in or are authorised to view.


Shows all active deliveries. When a delivery has been sent, it is automatically removed from the “Outbox” and appears in “My sent records” instead.

“Latest documents”

Here, F2 collects links to documents you have recently opened.

Units searches

“Units searches” contains a number of lists associated with your unit. Here, each organisation defines a number of relevant lists that all the unit’s users in F2 may access. Unit searches are created by a user with the “Search administrator” privilege.

These lists support the unit’s daily work in F2, such as communication and task management.

In the figure below, the “Units searches” node displays an organisation, the “Doc Organisation”.

Figure 4. The “Unit searches” node
List Description

“In process: Me”

Provides an overview of the records for which you are responsible and which have not yet been completed.

“In process: Unit”

Provides an overview of the records which have not yet been completed and for which the unit or users in the unit are responsible.

“Deadlines tomorrow: Me”

Provides an overview of the records for which you are responsible and have the formal deadline “Tomorrow” or sooner.

“Deadlines tomorrow: Unit”

Provides an overview of the records for which the unit or a user in the unit is responsible and have the formal deadline “Tomorrow” or sooner.

“F2 Request to unit”

This list contains all requests in process that have been sent to the unit or users in the unit.

“F2 Request from unit”

This list contains all requests in process that have been sent from the unit or users in the unit.

The above lists are visible to all users in the unit, in this case all users in the “Doc Organisation”. Unit searches that are only visible to a single unit, e.g. an office, are shown in a separate subnode named after the unit.

Figure 5. The “IT Office” node

The figure above shows the “SOPs” search which is only visible to the “IT Office” unit. It is thus shown in a separate node in “Units searches”.

Personal searches

The “Personal searches” node contains all lists you have created. The figure below shows two personal searches, “In-progress tickets” and “My urgent approvals”.

Figure 6. The “Personal searches” node

The lists in the “Personal searches” node vary from user to user. All searches saved by a user are placed in this group. The user determines the name and the period of time a certain list is displayed here. Each list can be renamed or deleted by the user.


For each unit in which you have a job role, it is possible to view unit lists (i.e. the unit’s inbox, desktop and archive). For more information, see Shared mailboxes (available in Danish). This means that a user with job roles in several units will see two nodes:

Figure 7. “Current unit” and “Other units”
List Description

“Current unit”

Shows the user’s current unit.

“Other units”

Compiles all other units in which you have job roles but is not currently logged into.

Each unit’s “Inbox”, “Desktop”, and “Archive” lists are displayed in the nodes as shown below. This lets the user see all incoming data in other unit mailboxes without having to switch roles. All users in a unit can manage the contents of the “Inbox” and “Desktop” using the unit management function described under Management and organisation.

If a user does not have job roles in several units, only the “Current unit” will be displayed.
Figure 8. The “Units” node
List Description

“Inbox” (the unit’s inbox)

Contains incoming records that are sent or allocated to the unit. This includes external emails, records sent internally, records for which the unit is assigned responsibility, and approvals in which the unit is an approver. The inbox can serve as the unit’s distribution centre for incoming records, allowing users to divide tasks between them.

“Desktop” (the unit’s desktop)

Provides an overview of records which the unit is working on. Records are not moved to the unit desktop automatically, so they must be moved to the list manually via unit management.

“Archive” (the unit’s archive)

Contains all records which the unit and its users have opened. The list shows a subset of the “Archive” that the unit is or has been involved in and can still access.

The nodes can be collapsed and expanded at the user’s discretion. The number of unread records in the user’s unit inboxes are added up depending on the node expansion level.

Below are examples of collapsed nodes.

Figure 9. Nodes collapsed

If the “Units” node is collapsed, the total number of unread records for all unit lists is displayed.

Figure 10. The unit nodes

If the “Units” node is expanded to show all unit subnodes, the number of unread records is shown for each unit.

The maximum number of unread records shown for each inbox is 99. If there are more than 99 unread records in an inbox, “99+” will be displayed by default.

Read-markings in a unit list apply to all the unit’s users. This means that when a user marks a record as read/unread, the record becomes read/unread for all the users in that unit.

When a record is marked as either read or unread in the unit list, it is logged in the record’s history. This can be accessed in the record window by selecting the “Advanced” tab and clicking on History. A record can be marked as read in one of the following ways:

  • Open a record in F2 (or a calendar invitation in Outlook).

  • Display a record in the preview for X seconds (duration depends on a user’s personal setup).

  • Right-click on a record and mark it as read/unread using the context menu.

Decentral units

Figure 11. Decentral unit

If you have a job role in a decentral unit, its unit lists (i.e. the decentral unit’s inbox, desktop, and archive) are also displayed as a subnode of the “Units” node. Decentral unit lists are displayed like any other unit list in the main window.

Miscellaneous lists

The “Misc.” node contains the following lists:

Figure 12. The “Misc.” node
List Description

“My private records”

Your private list for personal emails and information.

External emails sent to your inbox can be moved to “My private records”, but only if you do not in any way add further metadata to these records. If any metadata is added or updated either automatically or manually, the record cannot be moved to this list.

If you wish to send a private email, it is recommended to do so from this list.


This is an archive used for knowledge sharing in the organisation. All users can create records here, but it is not possible to create subfolders. This list can be accessed by all users.

“My deleted records”

Your personal recycle bin for deleted records. In cooperation with the organisation, cBrain configures the period of time a deleted record stays in the bin. If a record is deleted by mistake, it can be restored using the “Restore record” function.

“Search all over”

All records placed in the “Archive”, “My private records”, “Library”, and “My deleted records” are made available for a search.

However, the search is limited to records to which you have access.

Folders in list view

The “Folders” node includes fixed searches, folders for any add-on modules, and folders managed by the user. This lets the user organise records into relevant contexts. The folders are displayed in F2’s list view on the left side of the main window.

Figure 13. The “Folders” node
List Description


The “cSearch results” folder contains results from searches performed using the add-on search tool cSearch.

“Personal folders”

In this folder, you can create a number of folders and subfolders that are visible only to you. It is also possible to add cases. Read more in the section Add cases as folders in the main window’s folder structure.

“Management dashboards results”

This folder shows records from a management dashboard, which is an add-on module for F2.

“Shared folders”

This folder is shared with all users under the same authority. You can create, move and remove folders, and add cases. Only empty folders can be moved or removed.

Below is a description of how to manage personal and shared folders. The procedure for the two types of folders is identical.

Create new folder

Figure 14. Create folder

Right-click on the folder in which the new folder is to be created.

Click on Create folder in the context menu. Specify the name of the new folder.

Figure 15. New folder
It is possible to create a folder structure with several levels. The procedure is the same as when creating a new folder. Right-click on the desired folder to create a subfolder.

Rename folder

Figure 16. Rename folder

Right-click on the folder and select Rename folder to change its name. Then enter a new name.

Delete folder

Figure 17. Delete folder

Right-click on a folder and select Delete folder to delete it.

The folder can only be deleted if it contains no shortcuts to records. F2 asks for confirmation before deleting the folder.

If you attempt to delete a non-empty folder, F2 will show another warning to inform you that the folder’s contents will not be deleted.

A shared folder may contain records that are invisible to the user due to their access restriction. This means that a folder may appear empty without actually being empty.

Add to favourites

Figure 18. Add to favourites

A folder can be added to the “Favourites” list, which is each user’s personal list view of frequently used folders and lists.

To add a folder to “Favourites”, right-click on the desired folder and select Add to favourites. The folder is then added to the “Favourites” list.

Move folder

To move a folder, click on it and drag it with the mouse to a new location. Moving a folder retains any shortcuts to the folder’s records.

Create a shortcut to a record in a folder

To link records to folders, drag and drop them from the main window’s result list to the desired folder.

A record can be added to an unlimited number of folders. F2 creates a shortcut in each folder.

Records can also be moved to the “Personal folders” and “Shared folders” top nodes.

The following dialogue appears when the user drags a record to a folder.

Figure 19. Move record to a folder

When a shortcut is created in the chosen folder, the user must also decide if the record should be set to completed and moved to the “Archive”.

The “Move to folder” action can be cancelled by clicking Cancel in the dialogue.

You can update your default selections regarding "Move to folder" at any time in your personal setup.

Remove record from folder

When a folder is open in the main window, the Remove from list menu item on the main window ribbon is replaced by Remove from folder, which removes selected record(s) from the current folder.

The shortcut Ctrl+E can also be used to remove records from folders.

Figure 20. The “Remove from folder” menu item

F2 asks for confirmation before the record is removed from the folder.

Add cases as folders in the main window’s folder structure

Figure 21. Cases added to folder

Cases can be added to personal and shared folders in the main window’s list view.

A case is added to a folder by dragging it from the result list to the desired folder in the list view. When the case is dropped onto the folder, it appears with a case icon, title and case number in the folder as shown above.

Any subfolders on a case can be expanded and collapsed in the folder structure, but note that case subfolders cannot be created, deleted or renamed here.

The case is automatically updated when records are added to or removed from the case.