Copy to case participants (multiple recipients)

A letter template can be used for generating multiple identical letters to different recipients simultaneously. The process differs slightly from letter templates for a single recipient. This is partially due to differences in merge codes and to the structure of the process.

Use this function when sending the same information to a large number of participants. The following sections describe this process of generating letters.

Generating individual letters for multiple recipients

First add the relevant participants to the case in question. The participants and their information must exist in F2’s participant register. The participants are added by entering their names in the “Case participants” metadata field.

The figure below shows the case window with two participants added to “Case participants”.

case participants field
Figure 1. Examples of participants in the “Case participants” field

Choose a template containing merge codes for this particular type of merging.

The merge code must begin with “mergeparty” when merging data from multiple participants with a template.

The table below contains some examples.

Merge field Description


Recipient’s name


First line of recipient’s address


Recipient’s postcode


Recipient’s city


Case manager’s name


Case number

The corresponding merge codes are created by adding “$” before and after the merge fields' names.

The example from the previous section, Example of merging data for a letter, is used here to illustrate a letter template for sending standardised information to multiple recipients. In this example, the template uses the string “mergeparty” in the merge codes to ensure that the letter will be sent to any participant identified in the “Case participants” metadata field.

Figure 2. Letter template with merge codes for multiple participants

To generate letters for multiple recipients, choose a record from which to retrieve the letter template. The record must be attached to the case with the participants.

Click on New document from template as shown below.

create document template
Figure 3. Attach template to record

No final letters are generated immediately upon attaching the letter template. If the document is previewed, it will still contain merge codes (mergeparty).

Save the record with the template. Click on Copy record and then on Merge to case participants to start generating the letters to multiple recipients as displayed in the figure below.

Figure 4. Merge to case participants

Click on Merge to case participants to open a dialogue in which it is possible to select the participants for merging.

Figure 5. Select case participants

A record is generated for each selected participant.

Options in the “Merge to case parties” dialogue

Function Description

Set participant as recipient

Tick this box to add the selected participants as recipients on the newly generated records.

Send to recipient

Tick this box to automatically send the records to the selected participants when clicking OK.

The following limitations apply to records sent using this function:

Set participant as involved participant

Tick this box to add the selected participants as involved participants on the record.

Participant type

From this drop-down menu, it is possible to assign participant types to the participants on the new record.

Figure 6. Select participant type
Only applicable to external participants.

Remove original record from the case

Tick this box to remove the original record from the attached case.

Open case

Tick this box to automatically open the case window after clicking OK.

The fields shown in the dialogue “Merge to case participants” depend on the installation’s configurations and add-on modules. F2 is configured in cooperation with cBrain.

Click on OK to generate the emails and add them to the case. Each record contains a copy of the attached document with all merge codes replaced by the corresponding information. If the records have not already been sent via the “Merge to case parties” dialogue, they can now be sent to the different recipients.

Figure 7. New emails on the case

Participant types

Participants can be assigned specific participant types. Each type has a number of corresponding merge fields, which makes it possible to refer directly to the wanted participant type when creating templates.

Participant types are assigned in the case window. A participant who has been assigned a type is automatically merged with the corresponding participant type merge codes.

participant types menu item
Figure 8. Participant types