Extracting existing merge fields

Changes to existing fields and addition of new fields to the F2 database may eventually occur. It is thus relevant to extract a list of available fields periodically.

Such a list of merge fields can be generated in the same way as with the letters described above. Read more in Merging with templates.

Create a Word template containing only the following merge code:

  • $all_keys$

The template cannot contain any other merge codes.

Attach this template to a record to generate an exhaustive list of merge fields in F2 available at the time of creation.

It can be challenging to identify the exact merge field to use. It is recommended to fill in as many metadata fields on the record and case as possible before generating the document, since the information from these fields is displayed next to their corresponding merge fields in the “all keys” document.

The following is an excerpt from such a list. Bolded text indicates information retrieved from filled-in metadata fields:

dossier_createdbyuserid: 634381
dossier_createdbyusername: Ann Sekner
dossier_createddate: 16/04/2020
dossier_createreceiverregistrations: False
dossier_deadline: 23/04/2020
dossier_deliverytype: Email
dossier_digitalmaildispatchfailed: False

Other F2 lists can also be merged with a Word template, e.g. lists created from case guide fields or case metadata. Contact cBrain for further information.