
All work in F2 starts with a record. For instance, records hold all attached documents and serve as basis for approval flows and requests.

Here you can read about records in F2 and how you work with them via the record window functions. You can read about record access, record metadata, and advanced functionality among other topics.

The record window structure

The record window can be accessed in two ways:

  • By creating a new record

  • By opening an existing record.

record window
Figure 1. Record window structure

The centre top of the record window (the title bar) displays the record’s title and ID number (1). This lets you check which record is open at a glance.

At the top right corner of the window is the user identification (2) which shows your name and current unit.

The metadata fields of the record (3) are located below the window ribbon. Here you can specify the user responsible for the record, the deadline, any keywords, etc. Read more about the record’s metadata here.

To the right of the metadata fields is the document area (4) which shows any attached documents. For further information on the document area, see The record’s documents.

The lower part of the record window contains the record editor pane (which displays the record document), in which you enter and edit the text (5).

The content of the record window changes depending on whether the record document or an attached document has been selected. Clicking on an attached document will display a preview of this document instead of the record document. For further information on the record document editor, see the section The record editor pane.

The record window has five tabs located above the ribbon (6):

Tab Description


The default tab of the record window, this tab contains menu items for communication, processing and managing the record. It is similar in functionality to the "Main window" tab of the main window. Read more about the menu items of the record ribbon.


This tab contains functions pertaining to delivery types, clean-up, version management and record history. Read more about its menu items.


This tab provides you with an overview of the involved participants. Read more about the menu items of the "Participants" tab.


Here you can access the help functions of F2, such as short articles about using F2 and links to F2 Docs. Read more about the "Help" tab.


This tab lets you access various support functions such as document recovery. Read more about the "F2" tab.