Reply to a group request

A group request is replied to in one of the following ways:

  • Execute the group request by replying to it directly in the request window.

  • Reply to the request by creating and sending an answer record with Create answer record in the request window. The process will be further elaborated in the following section.

Note that it is possible to click Create answer record before accepting the request. It may be practical to begin working on it even though the terms and conditions of the request have not yet been finalised.

It is possible to select an existing record and attaching it as an answer record. However, for group requests this function is intended for the requester and not the group request recipient. See Selecting a record as answer to a request for further information.
Figure 1. Reply options in the request window

Create an answer record

The request can be answered by creating an answer record. Click on Create answer record, and the “New record” dialogue opens. F2 automatically suggests “Re: [title of the request]” as the title of the new record. See below.

Figure 2. Creating an answer record

If the group request record is attached to a case within the recipient authority, F2 automatically suggests linking the answer record to the same case. The answer record will have the same deadline as the request. If a request has both an internal and a formal deadline, the answer record will be assigned the former. Click OK to create the answer record.

An approval can be added to the answer record from the dialogue. In this case, F2 suggests the request deadline or any internal deadlines as the approval deadline. For more information about creating approvals, see Approvals.

The answer record is automatically addressed to the user in the “Return to” field, who receives it in their inbox when the recipient clicks Send in the ribbon of the record window.

Navigation between the answer record and the group request record is facilitated by a request icon in the answer record’s ribbon. This Go to request icon opens the record with the group request.

Figure 3. Open request record from answer record

Similarly, the answer record can be accessed from the group request itself. Click the record ID link displayed next to the “Answer record created” entry in the group request log to access the answer record, as shown below.

Figure 4. Link to the answer record in the request log

Once the answer record has been sent, click on Execute in the group request window. The user listed in the “Return to” field then receives both the answer record and the group request record in their inbox.

Execute indicates that the request executor/recipient has executed the requested task. The request is only completed once the request creator or “Return to” user has finalised the executed request.

An executed group request is no longer listed in the “F2 Requests to unit” list of the request recipient. Read more about this list here.

Selecting a record as answer to a request

As opposed to an internal request, this function is intended for use by the “Return to” user and not the executor. It is a way for the “Return to” user to link an incoming record from the executor to the request record if the executor has not already specified it as an answer record.