Finalise a request

The executed request is sent to the “Return to” user’s inbox. The request is then finalised by this user.

finalise request menu items
Figure 1. Finalise request and, if relevant, evaluate

If the reply to the request is satisfactory, click Finalise request.

Click Finalise request and evaluate to open the dialogue of the same name. Then select a relevant evaluation in the “Evaluation” field’s drop-down menu. In the “Evaluation comment” field, you can add a supplementary remark. Click Finalise to finalise the request.

finalise request evaluate dialogue
Figure 2. Finalise and evaluate a request
The Finalise request and evaluate button is not visible by default, but must be enabled through a configuration. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Once the request is finalised, it is registered in the log.

finalised request log
Figure 3. The finalised request

The request’s evaluation and evaluation comment, if any, then become visible to the request recipient.

The request creator can always finalise the request regardless of its progress. The request icon will then be changed to "finalised" image.
It can be configured whether all users or only employees in the request creator’s unit can finalise a request.

When the request has been finalised, it disappears from the “F2 Requests from unit” list.

Finalised requests can still be viewed and accessed in F2’s main window. Read more about the default lists and searching for finalised requests in Request overview in F2.

Finalise requests from the result list

You can process requests via the context menu when the showing requests in the result list. Choose between:

  • Finalise request

  • Finalise request with evaluation.

right click request
Figure 4. Process the request directly from the context menu

Automatically finalise request if deadline is exceeded

If the checkbox Finalise request when deadline is exceeded is checked in the "New request" dialogue, the request will be automatically finalised when the deadline is exceeded.

auto finalise fields
Figure 5. Automatically finalise if deadline is exceeded

The log will indicate that the request has been automatically finalised.

auto finalised log
Figure 6. The log shows that the request has been finalised due to deadline exceeded