Answer requests

Once accepted, you can reply to a request in one of three ways:

request dialogue reply options
Figure 1. Reply options in the request dialogue

Update the executor if someone else is to answer the request.

Create an answer record

Reply to the request with an answer record by clicking Create answer record.

Figure 2. The answer type dialogue

It is possible to create an answer record with or without an approval attached. The latter can be useful for requests involving e.g. the head of a unit.

Regardless, the “New record” dialogue opens with “Re: [Request name]” in the “Title” field. If the request record is attached to a case, F2 suggests attaching the answer record to the same case.

The dialogue "Choose answer type" will only appear if the F2 Approvals add-on is installed and F2 has been configured to display it. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.
Figure 3. When "Answer record" is selected in the "Choose answer type" dialogue

The option to “Include attachments from the current record” is selected by default.

It is possible to configure a default setting for how the request record is attached to the answer record. The configuration allows for pre-selecting either "Include attachments from the current record", "Attach a copy of the current record" or "Attach current record as PDF" in the "New record" dialogue. The user can change the setting afterwards. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.

When you create a regular record without approval as an answer to a request, the request deadline is suggested as the deadline for the record.

It is possible to configure which deadlines should be transferred as record and approval deadlines or reminder dates. Read more here.

You can add an approval to the answer record at this step by clicking Add approval at the bottom of the dialogue.

Click OK to create the answer record.

Create an approval record as answer record

When you choose an approval as the answer type, the request deadline is suggested as deadline for the answer record and the internal deadline as the approval deadline.

It is possible to configure which deadlines should be transferred as record and approval deadlines or reminder dates. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Figure 4. When 'Approval' is selected in the 'Choose answer type' dialogue

Click OK to create the answer record.

If the answer record contains an approval, the request log can be configured to show when the answer record’s approval has been approved. A line is added to the log, and the request status changes to “Executed”.

Send answer record

The answer record is automatically addressed to the user in the “Return to” field. They receive it in their inbox once the request recipient clicks Send in the ribbon of the record window.

Figure 5. Click Send in the ribbon of the answer record

Once the answer record has been sent, the user listed in the “Return to” field receives both the answer record and the request record in their inbox. The request is then considered executed and marked accordingly.

It is possible to configure when the request should be marked as executed. This can be done by sending the answer record, by final approval of the answer record’s approval, or by either sending or approving in any order. Configurations are performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Navigation between the answer record and the record to which the request is linked is facilitated in the answer record’s ribbon. Click the Go to request menu item to open the record with the request.

Figure 6. Open request from the answer record

You can also open the answer record from the request itself by clicking Open answer record in the request dialogue.

Figure 7. Open answer record from the request dialogue

Select a record as answer to a request

It is possible to reply to a request with an already existing record. Click Select answer record in the request to open a search window.

Figure 8. Select an existing record as answer

Select the relevant record and click OK.

You can also right-click a record in the main or case window that will serve as a reply and click Select as answer record to a request in the context menu.

select answer record context menu
Figure 9. Selecting an existing record as an answer record

The “Select request” dialogue opens, displaying a list of requests you can answer. Choose the relevant request from this list and click Attach as answer.

select request dialogue
Figure 10. A record is attached as an answer to a request

Attaching a record as an answer to a request turns the record into an answer record. This is similar to creating an answer record from within the request dialogue by clicking Create answer record.

To attach a record as an answer to a request, a number of criteria must be met:

  • The user attaching the record must have full write access to it.

  • The recipient must have read access to both the request and the record to which the request is linked.

  • The record must not already be attached as an answer to another request.

  • The record must be of a type (regular record or approval) that F2 Request’s setup allows as an answer record.

When the record has been selected as an answer record, it appears in the unit inbox of the “Return to” user.

Back in the request dialogue, click Execute request. The request is then considered executed.

Figure 11. The "Execute request" menu item

Answer and execute by comment

If it is not necessary to answer with a record, you can answer the request with a comment.

Figure 12. Add comment to accepted request

Click on Add comment in the request dialogue to open the "Add comment" dialogue. Write the comment in the text field and, if relevant, mark the request as executed. Multiple comments can be added to the same request by different executors. After clicking OK, the comment will be visible in the request log.

If the request is marked as executed, it will be sent back to the "Return to" user. Further actions cannot be taken on the request afterwards.

This way, the comment constitutes the answer to the request.

add comment
Figure 13. Write a comment to answer the request and, if relevant, execute it

Update request executor

Click on Change executor to open the "Change executor" dialogue. Here it is possible to select a new request executor and make the new request executor responsible for the record (requires full write access to the record). It is also possible to add a comment.

The new executor will be able to access the request, its record, and any associated answer records.

Figure 14. Update request executor