The search result view

The results of any search are displayed in the result list in F2’s main window. The user can choose to view the result list as a list of records, cases, documents or requests. In the example below the result list is shown as records.

You can limit the number of displayed search results through your personal settings. For example, changing the number to 300 will limit result lists so they never show more than 300 items.

View records, cases, documents or requests in the result list

There are four different views of the main window’s result list. You can can switch between the views above the free-text search field. Here you can show the result list as either records, cases, documents or requests.

Figure 1. View the result list as records, cases, documents, or requests
When you select the case view, the result list will display cases and their associated records. In this view, you cannot see records without case association.

Show records

Select Show records to display your search results as records. The result list consists of all records that match the list’s search criteria.

It is possible to view any attached documents by clicking on paperclip icon icon paperclip as shown below.

Figure 2. Show records with attached documents

Show cases

Select Show cases to display your search results as cases. The records of a selected case are displayed in the record list either to the right of or below the case list as shown below. When viewing cases, you cannot see records without a case association.

Figure 3. Show cases in the result list
If you choose this view in "My Inbox", you will not see new emails imported to F2. The only exception is emails that are already associated with a case.

The selected case’s list of records have a separate free-text search field associated with it. This allows filtering in the same manner as when the result list shows records. Read more about this in the sections Search with filtering and The “Filter” button.

Figure 4. The records on the selected case

Additionally, F2 highlights the records on the case which match the active search criteria of the selected list. The highlight is green, as shown above. In this example, one of the records are highlighted despite the free-text search field having no active search criteria. The record is instead highlighted because it is located in the active list, “My desktop”, in which the case was found. The records with white backgrounds are on the case, but not in the selected list.

The "Filter" button in the case view

The Filter button is found to the right of the record list. This button, like the one in the result list, allows for filtering of the case’s records by “Unread”, “With chats”, “With documents”, and “With flags”, and in this view also offers filtering by “Match”. Select “Match” to only see the records that match the list’s search criteria.

Figure 5. The

Show documents

Select Show documents to display documents in the result list. A padlock icon image45 is displayed next to a document if it is locked. A locked document cannot be edited. A document may be locked if it is attached to an email or if the responsible user has chosen to prevent it from being updated.

Figure 6. Show documents in the result list

Double-click on a document to open it.

The result list displays all documents attached to records matching the search criteria. If a record has multiple documents attached, they will all be displayed as long as at least one matches the search criteria. This is because F2’s free-text search is based on records, and a document’s contents, title, and external ID are considered parts of its record.

Show requests

Select Show requests to display your search results as requests.

Double-click on a request to open its record. If there are several requests on the same record, the record will appear several times in the list as only one request is displayed per line.

Figure 7. Show requests in the result list

Auto grouping

It is possible to group F2’s result list based on a selected column by using auto grouping. Click on Auto grouping in the “Settings” tab to toggle auto grouping.

Figure 8. “Auto grouping” in the “Settings” tab

If its menu item is highlighted, Auto grouping is enabled.

Figure 9. Auto grouping enabled

If its menu item is not highlighted, Auto grouping is disabled.

Figure 10. Auto grouping disabled

Each subgroup header displays the number of items it contains as well as the number of unread items. This applies to both the main and case windows.

Figure 11. Auto grouping enabled in the main window

It is possible to set a future date as the letter date on a record. This may be useful if a case manager has written a letter before it has to be sent. In the result list, a “Future” subgroup allows the user to keep track of records with a future letter date. The “Future” subgroup will appear as the top group in the result list when the results are sorted by letter date.

Edit grouping

The standard columns in the result list are chosen during the configuration of F2. Users can also configure the result list by creating their own grouping of columns.

Figure 12. “Edit grouping” in the “Settings” tab

Click on Edit grouping in the “Settings” tab to view group headers in the result list.

Figure 13. The grouping area

The results are grouped by dragging the desired column header to the grouping field, thereby creating a grouping hierarchy as shown below. You can add another level of grouping by dragging an additional column headline to the grouping field. The hierarchy remains even if you later remove the columns from the result list.

Figure 14. User-created grouping hierarchy

Click Edit grouping in the ribbon again to remove the grouping area and with it the grouping option. You can also remove the grouping area by dragging the column headers back down to the result list.

The Edit grouping menu item is only active when Auto grouping is disabled.

Enabling auto grouping will remove any grouping hierarchy you have created. If you then disable auto grouping, it will be necessary to rebuild your grouping hierarchy.