Free-text search

Free-text search is the simplest search in F2. Free-text searches are based on free text, which you can combine with search operators and filters. Free-text searches are based on a selection of the content and metadata of both records and cases. They should be performed in lists with relatively limited data. If you need to search through larger amounts of data or for specific metadata, you should perform an advanced search.

By default, simple searches are performed using the free-text search field and its associated buttons. The free-text search field is located above the result list in the main window of F2.

free text field position
Figure 1. The free-text search field in the main window

Searches are always performed within a given list. In the list view in the main window, click on the list you want to search. Enter a search string in the free-text search field, then click on the magnifying glass (search) or press Enter. If you have selected "Archive", the search will be performed in the entire archive. If another list is chosen, such as "My Inbox" or "My Archive", the search will only be performed in that particular list.

Deleted and private records are not included in the "Archive". If you select "Search all over", which is the bottom option in the "Misc." list node on the left in the main window, you will search not only in the "Archive", but also in "My Private Records", "Library", and "My Deleted Records".

By default, a simple search includes all records in the list to which you have access. The searchable text consists of:

  • Documents, including record documents

    • Content

    • Title

    • External ID

  • Participants

    • Email address

    • Name

    • Unit

    • Role

  • Annotations

    • Annotation text

  • The record metadata

    • Record ID

    • Title

    • Keywords

    • Searchable extended data (requires a special setup)

  • The case the record is attached to

    • Title

    • Keywords

    • Progress code

    • Searchable extended data (requires a special setup)

  • Chats and notes on the record where the user is a participant

    • Text

    • Title.

When you enter one or more search terms in the free-text search field and then click on the magnifying glass or press Enter, F2 searches for the search terms in all records' and cases' content, metadata, and attached documents. Use the buttons to the right of the free-text search field, Filter and Search Criteria, to further customise your search.

Figure 2. The free-text search field

Searches performed with the free-text search field search for complete words by default. For example, if you enter the word day in the free-text search field and press Enter or click the magnifying glass, F2 automatically adds a space after the word. This means that F2 searches for results that contain exactly the word you entered, but not variations like “days” or “daytime”. If you enter multiple words, e.g. department head, F2 will search for both words and include results in which both words appear. You can determine how F2 interprets single words and word combinations by using search operators such as asterisks * and parentheses ().

F2 does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

When performing a search using the free-text search field in the main or case window, three dots appear in the bottom right corner indicating that the search is in progress.

ongoing search indicator
Figure 3. Ongoing search indicator

When a search is performed in the main window, the loading of records on the list is staggered. This means the first search results are available quickly so you can begin your work, while the remaining results load in the background.

The number of records that are loaded can be adjusted in cooperation with cBrain.

Filter search results

You can use the free-text search field to filter your search results. This may be useful for narrowing down a search with many results.

To filter your search, start typing in the free-text search field. F2 then starts showing results in which your text string appears. Filtering does not start a new search, but filters an existing one. This means that filtering can also be used in saved lists that contain a large volume of records or cases.

F2 performs a fresh search with the chosen criteria when you press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon.

The “Filter” button

The Filter button is located on the right side of the main window’s free-text search field.

Figure 4. The “Filter” button in the main window

The additional filters available in the result list are “Unread”, “With chats”, “With documents”, and “With flags” as shown below. The filters can only be used when the result list shows records.

Click Filter to view the filter options in a drop-down menu. Click a filter to activate it, and click again to deactivate it. Multiple filters can be active simultaneously, and active filters are marked with a green checkmark.

Figure 5. Filter options in the result list

The table below describes each search filter option.

Filter Description

image10 Unread

Shows unread search results.

image11 With chats

Shows records with chats.

image12 With documents

Shows search results with documents attached.

image13 With flags

Shows search results marked with a flag.

The filters are also available when viewing the result list as cases. These filters are used for filtering the record list below the result list and include the “Match” filter. Read more about this filter in the Show cases section.

The “Search criteria” button

The Search criteria button is located on the right side of the main window free-text search field, next to the Filter button.

Figure 6. The “Search criteria” button in the main window

When any advanced search criteria are active, the magnifying glass icon changes to a green checkmark.

This makes it possible to see if any advanced search criteria are active, even if advanced search is not. Read more about advanced searches in the Advanced searches section.

Figure 7. Search criteria are active

Click Search criteria to open a drop-down menu with all active search criteria.

Figure 8. The "Search criteria" drop-down menu

From the drop-down menu it is also possible to navigate to the advanced search or resetting the active search by clicking Clear active search criteria. Resetting the search means all active search criteria are removed except those inherent to the list that the search is based on.

Perform the search on this list

After performing a search on a list, the user can perform a search with the same criteria on another list without selecting it or reentering said criteria. Right-click on a list, e.g. the “Archive” (without left-clicking on it first), and select Perform the search on this list in the context menu. Note that the search criteria will be lost if the new list is selected before right-clicking.

The function Perform the search on this list cannot be used to search in folders.

Figure 9. “Perform the search on this list” in the context menu

From the context menu, text from the free-text search field can be reused in a different list. Right-click the desired list and select Perform the free text search on this list. The new list opens with the desired text in the free-text search field and automatically performs a new search. Note that the search criteria will be lost if the new list is selected before right-clicking.

F2p links can be used in the free-text search field. F2p links are links created in F2 that lead directly to either a record, case, or document. An f2p link is created using the menu items Copy link to record, Copy link to case, or Copy link to document. Read more about these here.

Insert an f2p link in the free-text search field either by using the context menu or the shortcut Ctrl+V. Press Enter to open the record or case directly.

f2 link search
Figure 10. An example of an f2p link
Since an f2p link refers to a certain record, case, or document, it will always be the element in question that is opened regardless of what the result list is set to display.