Sort the result list

The result list contains your search results, which can be sorted using columns.

As when sorting the inbox and other lists, you can choose how to sort a list by clicking on a column. Each column can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

You can sort your search results in two levels. To do this, click on the first column to sort by. Then hold the Shift key and click on the second column you wish to sort by.

F2 remembers which column a given list was last sorted by. All lists are individually sorted and saved.


The tables below describe each column in the result list and its use.

The columns available depend on the selected view, i.e. records, cases, documents, or requests. The number of columns may vary between installations. Certain columns are only available if the relevant add-on module is installed.

Columns in the record view

The following columns are found when viewing records in the result list. The columns are divided into different groups. Certain columns are associated with specific add-on modules, such as Request or Approvals.

Record columns

Column Description


Shows the record’s access level.


Displays the number of annotations on a record.

“Archive area”

Shows whether the record is located in:

  • “Archive”

  • “Library”

  • “My deleted records”

  • “My private records”.

“Case help”

Shows whether case help is activated on a record.

“Created by”

Displays the user that has created the record.

“Date created”

Displays the date automatically allocated to a record when it is created.

“Deleted by”

Displays the user who has deleted the request.

This column only contains values if the chosen list is either “My deleted records” or “Search all over”.

“Document locked”

Shows whether the documents attached to a record have been locked for editing.

“External access”

Shows whether external sharing of a record is:

  • Open

  • Partially open

  • Closed.

This field is configurable and options may vary between organisations.


Displays the keywords associated with the record.

“Latest update”

Displays the time of the most recent change in a record, the metadata of a record, or the documents of a record. These changes are also found in the history of the record.


Displays whether a case is included in the periodic delivery to the National Archives.

The period shift function (ongoing delivery) to the National Archives is active only if the technical service called period shift is enabled. Therefore, it is not possible to select the value, it can only be searched for.

“My flag”

Displays the flag the you have allocated to a record via personal management in the menu item “Flag”.

“My unit flag”

Displays the flag a user in your unit has allocated to a record via the unit management in the menu item “Flag”.

“Original file path”

Displays the path used as the basis for a record if the record has been imported via document import from a server. This way it is possible to see where the underlying document for the record was located before being imported.


Displays the ID (key) that is automatically allocated to a record when created.

“Record number”

Displays the consecutive number allocated to a record when it has been registered.

A record that is registered has only one record number. The record number should not be confused with the record ID.

“Record type”

Shows whether the record is:

  • “Internal” – i.e. available to internal users

  • “Incoming” – i.e. received from external participants

  • “Outgoing” – i.e. sent to external participants.


Shows whether a record has been registered.

This column is empty if the record’s “Registered” field has not been filled in.

“Remind Date”

Displays the date set by a user for management purposes.

The remind date does not pop up as a reminder, but can be used as a basis for searching or sorting lists.

“Sorting date”

Displays when a record was placed in one of your personal lists or your unit lists. This means the lists “My desktop”, “My inbox”, and “My archive”, the corresponding unit lists, and saved searches based on these lists.

The criteria for when a record is placed in one of the mentioned lists depend on the list. For example, a record is placed in your inbox if you receive a chat on it, if you are added as a supplementary case manager, or if you generate an FOI request report. Additionally, records are placed in "My archive" when you open them. Therefore the same record can have different sorting dates in different lists. Read more about different lists and their contents.

The sorting date is updated regardless of whether the record is already in a given list. This means the sorting date can be updated several times with no changes to the record, for example, if you and a colleague are chatting back and forth on it.

In other lists, e.g. the "Archive" or "My sent records", a record’s sorting date is identical to its "Latest updated" date.


Shows the SSN/CVR number a user has written in the record.


Shows whether the record has been formally completed or is still being processed.

A record with the "Completed" status is not necessarily write-protected.

“Suppl. case mgr.”

Shows the supplementary case managers on a record.


Shows the title a user has given a record.

“Version No”

Shows the version number of the record.

Responsibility columns

Column Description


Displays the user or unit responsible for the record.

“Responsible unit”

Displays the unit responsible for the record.

If the responsible participant is a user, the column displays the unit with which the user is associated.

“Responsible for unit casework”

Displays the user who is formally responsible in the recipient unit.

If the user responsible for the record has not yet been specified, the recipient unit will be displayed as the responsible participant.

Request columns

Column Description


Shows whether there is a request on a record.

“Request completed”

Shows whether the record’s request has been marked as completed.

“Request created by”

Shows the user who created the request.

“Request deadline”

Shows the deadline for the request set by the creator.

“Request execution date”

Shows when a request was executed.

“Request executor”

Shows the user or unit that executes a request on a record.

“Request recipient”

Shows the user or unit set as the request recipient.

“Request reply date”

Shows when a request has been replied to (when the answer record was sent).

“Request status”

Shows whether the request is:

  • Sent

  • Accepted

  • Cancelled

  • Executed

  • Completed.

“Request text”

Shows the date and time for when the request was sent.

“Request type”

Shows the content of the text field of the request.

Request types may vary between organisations as the request types are created at the organisational level.

“Request, internal deadline”

Shows the request recipient’s own deadline.

Delivery columns

Column Description

“Letter date”

Displays the letter date registered in the record.

In case of scanned letters, this should indicate the actual letter date.


Displays any Bcc recipients of an email.


Displays any copied recipients (Cc) on a record.

“E-mail title”

Displays the original title of an incoming email.

“Forward of record”

Displays the title of the forwarded record.


Displays the sender of the record if it was sent as an e-mail, Digital Post or similar.

In case of scanned letters, it is possible to edit the record recipient so the column shows the original sender.

“Mail received date”

Displays the registered receipt time of incoming letters and emails.

In case of scanned letters, it is possible to edit the record date. In case of emails, the date is set automatically by F2.

“Reply to record”

Displays the title of the record to which the specified record is a reply.

“Secure email”

Shows whether the user has selected “Send securely” when sending the record to external recipients.


Shows whether the record has been sent. The field changes automatically from “No” to “Yes” when the “Sent” function is used or when an incoming email is received. This field makes it possible to filter out unsent draft records on which sender and recipient fields are filled in.


Shows the recipient of a record containing sent or received material.

If the field is filled in manually when F2 contains scanned letters, the column also shows the recipient of the scanned letters.

Deadline columns

Column Description


Displays the formal deadline of a record.

“Deadline, unit casework”

Displays the deadline a recipient unit has set for its own management.

“My deadline”

Displays the deadline you have added to the record via personal management in the menu item “Deadline”.

“My unit deadline”

Displays the deadline a user in your unit has added to the record via unit management in the menu item “Deadline”.

Approval columns

Column Description

“Appl: Days left”

Displays the time in days until the deadline for the approval of a record.

“Appl: Progress”

Displays a colour coded overview of the approval progress with the current approver highlighted in blue. Any previous approvers are highlighted in light blue, while future approvers are grey.

The users set as approvers can be identified by their initials. Your own initials are displayed in bold.

“Approval deadline”

Displays the deadline for the approval.

"Days until my next deadline"

Displays the number of days until the deadline on your next step expires.


Displays the current location of an approval.

"My approval step deadline"

Displays the deadline (if any) of the next step you are approving.


Shows whether an approval has been marked as urgent.

Gateway approval columns

Column Description

”Days to gateway sorting deadline”

Shows number of days to the gateway sorting deadline.

”Gateway flag”

Shows which flag has been assigned to the approval by the gatekeeper.

”Gateway location”

Shows the current location of the approval relative to the gateway.

”Gateway sorting deadline”

Shows the gateway sorting deadline set by the gatekeeper.

Icon columns

Column Description

“Attached file icon”

Displays the image12 icon on any records with documents attached.


Shows the icon for:

  • Record image37

  • Email image10

  • Request image48

  • Approval image49

  • Digital Post image50

  • e-Boks image51

  • Output manager image52

“Message icon”

Shows the icon for:

  • Chat image11

  • Note image53

  • Annotation image54

  • Orientation image55

Only one icon is displayed per record, and the more formal icon takes precedence. If the record has a chat and a note, the note icon is displayed. If the record has an annotation as well, the annotation icon is displayed.

“Reminder icon”

Shows whether there is a reminder on a record.

“Active FOI request icon”

Displays the arrow icon image56.

The icon shows the record containing the most recent PDF-generated FOI request report. This column is intended to be shown to the left of the “Title” column, making the arrow icon point to the relevant record.

Case columns

Column Description

“Case No”

Shows the number of the case on which a record is located.

If the result list is showing records, this column displays the number of the case on which a record is located.

“Case folder”

Displays the case folder in which the record is placed.

“Case guide type”

Shows the type of case guide on the case.

“Case keyword”

Displays any keywords associated with a case.

If the result list is showing records, this column displays the keywords of the case on which a record is placed.

“Case title”

Displays the title of the case.

“Previous case No.”

Indicates the previous case number. The number can originate from a different system or from a case in F2. The field can also be filled in manually.

Columns in the case view

The following columns are found when viewing cases in the result list.

Column Description

“Case icon”

Generally displays the image57 icon. If the case is an F2 Manager case, the icon will change to reflect this.

“Case No”

Shows the number of the case.

“Case note icon”

Displays the image58 icon if there are any notes on the case. Hover the cursor over the icon to see a preview of the latest note.

“Progress code icon”

Displays a warning icon that reflects the deadline corresponding to the current progress code.


Displays the title of the case.

“Action code”

Displays the case’s action codes.

“Case guide type”

Shows the type of case guide on the case.

“Completed by”

Displays the name of the user that completed the case.

“Completed date”

Displays the date and time the case were completed.

“Created by”

Displays the user that has created the case.

“Date created”

Displays the date automatically allocated to a case when it is created.


Displays the formal deadline of a case.

“Disposal code”

Displays whether and when the case should be disposed.

“External access”

Shows whether external sharing of a case is:

  • Open

  • Partially open.

  • Closed.

This field is configurable and options may vary between organisations.

“External ID”

Displays the external ID.

“File plan”

Displays the case’s file plan.


Displays any keywords associated with a case.


Displays whether a case is included in the periodic delivery to the National Archives.

The period shift function (ongoing delivery) to the National Archives is active only if the technical service called period shift is enabled. Therefore, it is not possible to select the value, it can only be searched for.

“Previous case No.”

Indicates the previous case number for the case. The number can originate from a different system or from a case in F2. The field can also be filled in manually.

“Progress code”

Displays the case’s progress code.


Displays the user or unit responsible for the case.


Shows the SSN/CVR number a user has written in the case.


Shows whether the case has been formally completed or is still being processed.

“Suppl. case mgr.”

Shows the supplementary case managers on a case.

Columns in the documents view

The following columns are found when viewing documents in the result list.

Column Description

“Case No”

Shows the number of the case on which the document’s associated record is located.

“Case title”

Displays the title of the case.

“Document icon”

Displays the file format of the document through an icon.

For instance, a Microsoft Word icon image59 denotes a DOCX file.

“External ID”

Displays the external ID of the document. This may be used when referring to documents in a case guide.


Displays the ID (key) that is automatically allocated to a document when created.


Displays the date and time when the document was last edited.

“Modified by”

Displays the name of the user who last edited the document.

“Most recently accessed by me”

Displays the date and time when you last accessed the document.

“My latest action”

Displays the last action you made in relation to the document, e.g. “Opened” it or “Updated” it.


Displays the ID (key) that is automatically allocated to a record when created.

“Record locked”

Displays a padlock image45 if the document is locked, i.e. write-protected.

“Record title”

Shows the title of the record to which the document is attached.

“Record type”

Shows whether the document’s associated record is:

  • “Internal” – i.e. available to internal users

  • “Incoming” – i.e. received from external participants

  • “Outgoing” – i.e. sent to external participants.


Displays the size of the document.


Shows the document’s title.


Displays the current version of the document.

Columns in the request view

The following columns are found when viewing requests in the result list.

Column Description

“Case No”

Shows the number of the case on which a record with a request is located.

“Case title”

Displays the title of the case.


Displays the deadline for the request set by the creator.


Displays the user or unit that executes a request on a record.


Displays the request icon.

Read more about icons and their variations in the Request icons section.


Displays the ID of the request.

“Request, internal deadline”

Displays the request recipient’s own deadline.


Displays the ID (key) that is automatically allocated to a record when created.


Displays the user or unit set as the request recipient.

“Record recipients”

Displays any recipients who received the request as an email.

“Record sender”

Displays the sender if the request was sent as an email.

“Record title”

Displays the current title of the record.

“Request created”

Displays the date and time of the request’s creation.

“Request created by”

Displays the user who created the request.

“Request sender”

Displays the name of the user who sent the request.

“Request sent”

Displays the date and time the request was sent.

“Request type”

Displays the content of the text field of the request.

Request types may vary between organisations as the request types are created at the organisational level.

“Unique record title”

Displays the current title of the record and its ID.