
The “Templates” menu group on the “Settings” tab in the main window contains all functions needed to manage an organisation’s templates.

Figure 1. The menu item “Templates” under the “Settings” tab

Depending on the F2 installation and your privileges, between one and three types of templates will appear in the “Templates” menu group. From the menu group, you can manage document, approval, and case templates. This article covers document templates. Read more about the other types of templates in Create an approval template and Create a case template respectively.

Document templates

You can create document templates that you can use when creating new documents in F2. This is done via the Document templates menu items. The templates must be in Office format.

All users can create private document templates to use for daily work. A document template can be made available for the entire authority or for an individual unit under the authority by a user with the “Template administrator” privilege.

Click on Document templates to open the dialogue below. The dialogue displays all templates available to you. You can sort the templates by the categories "All", "Text", "Spreadsheet", and "Presentation".

document templates window
Figure 2. Template maintenance

Document templates are ordered in nodes showing which users can access them. Templates are either personal (1), unit specific (2), or standard (3). The three levels of nodes are described in the table below.

Type Description


You private document templates only accessible to you.


Document templates available to the respective unit. A unit’s templates are also available to any subunits. This is reflected in the example in the image above: The user, who works in Quality Assurance, also has access to document templates from its parent node, the Quality unit. The user also has access to document templates from the Doc Authority unit, which is the Quality unit’s parent node.

The nodes are also identified by their unit type, "Authority", "Department", and "Office". This makes it easier to keep track of the hierarchical structure. The unit type is decided by a user with the "Unit administrator" privilege when the unit is created.


Standard templates in F2, available to all users.

In the "Templates" dialogue you can create, delete, move, and rename document templates. Right-click on a unit or folder to access the following functions:

  • Add template to upload new Office templates. Read more about adding new document templates.

  • Rename folder to change the name of an already existing folder.

  • Delete folder to delete a folder.

  • Create folder to organise the document templates.

right click unit templates
Figure 3. The unit or folder context menu

You can edit a document template by right-clicking it.

right click template
Figure 4. The template context menu

The menu items of the context menu are described below.

Function Description


Click on Properties in the context menu to open the “Document properties” dialogue. Read more about document properties below.

“Save copy”

Select “Save copy” to save a copy of the document template file, either locally or on an external drive.

“Replace content”

Select “Replace content” to replace the chosen document template file with a file from a local or external drive.

“Delete template”

Select “Delete template” to delete the document template.

Add new document template

Document templates for use in F2 must created in Office and then imported. Right-click on the folder or unit where you wish to place the document template and click on Add template.

new template
Figure 5. Create new template

Click on Browse in the “New template” dialogue to import the chosen document template from an external drive.

Figure 6. Add new template

Give the document template a title and select the location for the template. Finally, click OK to add the document template.

Document properties

The "Document properties" dialogue displays the properties from the selected document. You can edit some properties such as the title, description, and external ID.

Figure 7. Document properties

The fields of the dialogue are described below.

Field Description


The title of the document template. You can edit this.


A description of the document template.


The name of the user who created the document template.

"Written date"

The date the template was created.

"Archive location"

An optional physical location.

"Saved by"

The name of the user who saved the current version of the document template.

"Saved date"

The time and date the current version of the document template was saved.

"File type"

The document template’s file type.

"Internal version"

The internal version number of the current document template version.


The internal ID of the document template.

"External ID"

You can add an external ID here. This field is used for case guides, which are part of the F2 Task Guides module.

"Size (KB)"

The size of the document template in KB.

"Template path"

The location of the document template in F2.

"Merge engine"

The merge engine used by the template. Read more about merge codes.

"Approved for"

Identifies the document that the document template is associated with. Read more about remote printing (documentation available in Danish).

"Include upon reply creation when approval is final"

Whether the document will be included in the automatically created record upon final approval in an approval flow. You can toggle this function. This requires the F2 Signed approval add-on module.