User images

It is possible in F2 to add images for F2 users, units, and external participants. The images are displayed in the participant properties dialogue for units, users, and external participants. For users of F2 the image is also displayed in the chat window and in the user identification in the upper right corner of the main, record, and case windows.

Figure 1. Image in the participant properties dialogue

It is only possible to add, change, and remove the image of one’s own user and for external participants. Only users with the “User administrator” privilege can add, change, or remove images for units and other F2 users.

Add, change, or remove an image

It is possible to add, change, or remove images for users, units, and external participants in the participant register. To add or change an image, select Change image in the context menu of the participant in the participant register.

To open the participant register, click on Contact registry in the navigation bar. Right-click on the wanted participant and select Change image. To remove an image, select Remove image from the context menu.

right click participant
Figure 2. The context menu for participants

In the “Change image” dialogue, select an image from either a local or external drive using the Browse button. Use the zoom slider to adjust the size of the selected image. Then click on OK. The image is now added, replacing any previous image.

Figure 3. The “Change image” dialogue

You can also change the image using the user identification located in the upper right corner of the main, record, and case windows.

Figure 4. Change the image through the user identification