Introduction to F2 Signed Approval

F2 Signed Approval makes it possible to merge signatures with documents and approve these in a single work flow. The add-on consists of a standard process that automates certain tasks upon the final approval of letters, replies, or other similar documents. These tasks are:

  1. Adding a signature to the approved document.

  2. Creating a record and preparing it for sending.

Signed approvals can be used when replying to inquiries from citizens or Parliament, or when sending letters in cases requiring a signed document.

The add-on takes advantage of a range of existing functions in F2. Phrase merging (available in Danish), document templates and approval flows are all integral parts of the process. The process is set up using the relevant signature phrases, document templates and approval flows, and the add-on supports multiple approval signing processes in the F2 installation.

When the standard process involves replying to emails, the sender can be added as a case participant automatically using F2’s case templates.

This manual consists of two main parts. The first is a detailed example of a workflow using the standard process to reply to an inquiry from a citizen. The second part describes the various setup options for signed approval standard processes.