Communication in F2 Touch

F2 Touch offers nearly all the communication options from F2 Desktop. You can create emails, chats, notes, and annotations. Additionally, you can create requests and approvals.

If a record contains a chat, note, request, approval, or annotation, an icon representing the communication type is shown on the upper grey ribbon. Tap e.g. the chat icon image132 to navigate to the record’s chats. A blue dot next to a communication icon indicates that you have not read the latest message or update.

communication on record
Figure 1. Communication on the record


You can send, forward, and reply to emails in F2 Touch.

Send email

Enter a recipient in the “To” field. As in F2 Desktop, F2 Touch then searches the participant register for participants matching the entered data. The same applies to the “Cc” and “Xbc” fields.

Figure 2. Send email

The Send button becomes active when a participant has been entered in the “To” field.

Tap Send to send the email.

Secure send

In F2 Touch it is possible to use the “Secure send” configuration.

Figure 3. Secure send

“Secure send” activates the relevant software in Microsoft Exchange that encrypts emails sent from F2.

To send securely, tick the “Secure send” box at the bottom of the record. The “Secure send” box is only visible when a participant has been entered in the “To” field.

“Secure send” functions the same way in F2 Touch as in F2 Desktop.

Tap an email address to create a new email

Tap an email address link in a record document to create a new email. The new email is created with the email in the “To” field.

Figure 4. An email address in the record document
Figure 5. A new email with the email address as recipient


You can send and receive chats in F2 Touch.

Create chat

Tap the add icon image95 and select New chat to open the chat window. Selecting Chat all adds all email related participants to a new chat, i.e. sender, recipient(s), and any Cc and Xbc recipients.

Figure 6. Create chat

The figure below provides an overview of the functions available in a newly created chat. The functions are described in further detail below.

Figure 7. Newly created chat

Tap the Add participant field in the chat window to enter the name of a chat participant. Just as in F2 Desktop, F2 Touch suggests participants from the participant register matching the entered name.

Add a group of predefined chat participants

Tapping Add participant also displays a drop-down menu containing a number of predefined chat groups. Tap a group to add its users to the chat. The predefined chat groups contain users who are involved on the record in different ways. The chat groups are as follows:

  • “Senders and recipients” (corresponds to the “Chat all” function).

  • “Approvers who have approved” (requires the F2 Approvals add-on).

  • “Responsible user/unit and supplementary case managers”.

  • “My secretariat” (requires the F2 Gateway Approvals add-on).

Tap a group’s name to add its users.

Send chat

Enter a chat message in the text field in the bottom grey ribbon. Tap the send icon image145 to send the message.

Figure 8. The chat window’s bottom grey ribbon and menu

The bottom grey ribbon also contains the three following functions:

  • Add participants to chat.

  • Archive record.

  • Menu.

The menu image147 offers the following options:

  • Mark chat as unseen

  • Name chat / Edit chat title

  • Toggle notifications

  • Toggle automatic deletion (if configured)

Open chat

You can open a chat by navigating to the chat message overview. You can also tap the chat icon image132 next to a record in the result list.

Figure 9. Chat overview

A blue dot image149 appears with the chat icon for new chats and chats with unread messages.

Chat participant status and read-marking

The participants tab found on both chats and notes shows information about each participant. This includes their picture or initial letter, their status (e.g. “online”), and their out of office information. The participants tab shows an eye icon next to a participant if they have read all messages in the chat. Chats with more than two participants show the participants' initials and the total number of participants in their title.

Figure 10. The participants tab found on chats and notes

The chat window shows information about the participants as well.

Figure 11. Status and last read message indicated in the chat window

As on the participants tab, a participant is depicted with their picture or initial letter, and their status is shown.

In contrast to the participants tab, the chat window shows exactly how far each participant has read in the chat. Below a participant’s last read message, their initial letter or picture appears.

Go to unread chat messages

Longer chats may contain more messages than the chat window can show on one screen. Navigate to the first unread message in either direction of a longer chat with Jump to. “Jump to” appears regardless of the user’s current position in the chat.

Figure 12. Jump to new messages


You can create and open notes in F2 Touch.

Create note

Tap New note to add a note to the record and open the note window.

Figure 13. Create note

Note window functions

In the top ribbon the user can navigate between viewing the note participants and the note text.

note window functions
Figure 14. Note window functions

The bottom ribbon contains the following functions:

  • Enter note text.

  • Add note participants.

  • Archive record.

  • Menu.

Tap the menu image147 for the following options:

  • Mark note as unseen.

  • Name note/Edit note title.

  • Toggle notifications.

Read more about note functions.

Open note

You can open a note on a record by navigating to the notes overview. You can also use the note icon image156 next to a record in the result list.

If a note is unread or it has unread messages, a blue dot image157appears with the note icon.

note overview
Figure 15. Notes overview


You can create and open annotations in F2 Touch.

Create annotation

Tap the add icon image95 and select New annotation to create a new annotation and open the annotation window.

Figure 16. Create annotation

Similarly to F2 Desktop, it is possible to select an annotation type and add a description when creating an annotation.

newly created annotation
Figure 17. Newly created annotation

Tap Save in the upper right corner to save the annotation. It will then be visible on the record.

Open annotation

You can open annotations from the “Annotations” header.

Figure 18. A “Seen” annotation

Here an annotation must be marked as “Seen” before a case can be completed. This functionality follows the default from F2 Desktop.

Reply to or archive chats and emails through push notifications

It is possible to answer a chat or archive an email or a record with a chat directly from a push notification on both iOS and Android.

The exact method of opening a push notification depends on the device’s operating system.

Reply to chat

When you receive a push notification regarding a chat on a locked screen, you can hold your finger on the notification to open the Archive and Reply shortcuts.

You can also swipe right and tap Open to open the chat window.

Tap Reply to reply to the chat without opening F2 Touch. Tap Send and unlock the device to send the reply.

push notification chat
Figure 19. Push notification – Chat

Tap Archive to archive the record containing the chat.

A user with the "User administrator" privilege can log out another user of all F2 sessions. This will also delete the push notifications of the logged-out user.

Reply to email

When you receive a push notification regarding an email on a locked screen, you can hold your finger on the notification to open the Archive and Reply shortcuts.

You can also swipe right and tap Open to open the email.

Tap Reply to open the "Reply" dialogue in F2 Touch. Tap Send to reply to the email.

push notification email
Figure 20. Push notification – Email

Tap Archive to archive the email.

A user with the "User administrator" privilege can log out another user of all F2 sessions. This will also delete the push notifications of the logged-out user.