Set up and log in to F2 Touch

F2 Touch is available in the Apple App Store for iPhone and in Google Play for Android.

Figure 1. Get app in Apple App Store
Figure 2. Get app in Google Play

As settings and setup vary according to the operating system of the device, the following setup sections are divided based on operating system: setup on iOS and setup on on Android.

Set up F2 Touch on iOS

In order to use F2 Touch, the app must first be set up to the correct server address.

To set up F2 Touch on an iPhone or iPad, tap Settings on the device.

ios settings icon
Figure 3. The iOS settings icon

Tap F2 Touch in the menu to navigate to the F2 settings screen.

Next to the “Server Address” field, enter the URL for F2 Touch. The URL is provided by cBrain.

ios app settings server address
Figure 4. Server address on iOS

In the settings you can also enable notifications and synchronisation of contacts to and from F2 Touch.

Log in to F2 Touch on iOS

When F2 Touch is set up and the app is opened, a login screen appears. Depending on the setup and the device running the application, there are several ways to log in to F2 Touch: Using your password, Touch ID, Face ID, or the “Remember me” function. Login method is chosen upon login.

If the “Touch ID” or “Face ID” login features are enabled in addition to “Remember me” in the organisation’s configuration, you can choose which login method to use. It is possible to switch login method as long as the configuration allows it.

For safety reasons F2 Touch asks you to re-enter your password every 30 days.

Log in with password on iOS

It is possible to log in using a password as when using F2 Desktop.

login password
Figure 5. Log in with password

Fill in the “Username” and “Password” fields using the same information used to log in to F2 Desktop.

Then tap Log in to log in.

Log in with Touch ID on iOS

You can log in with Touch ID (fingerprint) on supported devices.

login fingerprint
Figure 6. Log in with Touch ID
Touch ID is activated through a configuration that is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Enter username and password, and then select the option “Log in with fingerprint” in the menu. Then scan your finger to activate the fingerprint scanner.

Figure 7. Activate Touch ID
Touch ID can only be activated after logging in using a password.

When Touch ID is enabled, scan your finger to log in to F2 Touch.

Unsuccessful Touch ID login attempts are handled by your device’s operating system. iOS allows three failed login attempts, after which you must enter your password. Tap Cancel to return to the login screen.

Log in with Face ID on iOS

F2 Touch for iOS supports Face ID on iPhone X (or newer). This makes it possible to log in to F2 Touch using facial recognition.

login faceid
Figure 8. Log in with Face ID
Face ID is activated through a configuration that is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Enter username and password, and then select the option “Log in with Face ID” in the drop-down menu. Your face is then scanned to activate the Face ID.

Face ID can only be activated after logging in using a password.

Log in with “Remember me” on iOS

You can log in using “Remember me”. This means you don’t have to enter your login information every time you open F2 Touch.

login remember
Figure 9. Log in using “Remember me”
"Remember me" is activated through a configuration that is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Enter the same username and password as in F2 Desktop. Then tap Log in.

The login page remembers the latest user, unless the user logs out of F2 Touch manually.

A user with the "User administrator" privilege can log out another user of all F2 sessions. This will delete any "Remember me" information, which means you must log in using "Remember me" again.

Change users on iOS

If you return to the login screen after your session expires or by way of closing the F2 Touch app, you will have the option to change users.

Figure 10. Change user

Tap Change user and enter the new login information. Then tap Log in.

The login role selector on iOS

If you have multiple roles in F2, you can choose between them during login.

role selector ios
Figure 11. Select role at login

Tap “Do not show again” to skip the role selector during the next login.

You can choose a default role in the “Setup” dialogue on F2 Desktop. If a default role has been set up, you are automatically logged in with this role on F2 Touch.

Select language on iOS

Select the language for F2 Touch on the login screen.

Tap Language and select the wanted language in the dialogue. This is only possible if your F2 Touch installation supports more than one language.

Figure 12. Select language on iOS
F2 Touch always displays the language that was selected at the initial login.

You can also select language in your device’s settings.

Figure 13. Select language in the iOS device settings

Set up F2 Touch on Android

First time you open F2 Touch on an Android device, you will be prompted to enter a server URL provided by cBrain. Here you can also choose whether to use a secure connection. Then press CONTINUE to proceed to the login screen.

Before logging into F2 Touch, you can adjust certain settings. Tap Settings image in the top right corner of the login screen to open the settings.

Here you can enable notifications and synchronisation of contacts to and from F2 Touch.

Figure 14. Settings on Android

Tap the arrow in the top left corner to save and return to the login screen.

Log in to F2 Touch on Android

Depending on the setup and the device running the application, there are several ways to log in to F2 Touch: Using you password, your fingerprints, or the “Remember me” function. Login method is chosen upon login.

If the “Remember me” and fingerprint login functions are both enabled in the organisation’s configuration, you can choose which login method to use. It is possible to switch between the different options as long as the configuration allows it.

Log in with password on Android

It is possible to log in using a password similarly to logging in on F2 Desktop.

login password android
Figure 15. Log in using a password

Enter the same username and password as in F2 Desktop. Then tap Log in.

Log in with fingerprint on Android

It is possible to log in using the fingerprint login function on Android devices that support this feature.

Figure 16. Activate Fingerprint Login

Enter username and password and tap Log in. A new dialogue in F2 Touch appears, asking the user to “Touch sensor”.

Now scan the finger to activate the fingerprint login function.

Once the fingerprint login is activated, the user simply scans their finger to log in to F2 Touch.

The fingerprint login function can only be activated by logging in once using a password.

Unsuccessful fingerprint login attempts are handled by the individual device’s operating system. Tap Cancel to return to the login screen.

Log in with “Remember me” on Android

You can log in using “Remember me”. This means you don’t have to enter your login information every time you open F2 Touch.

login remember android
Figure 17. Log in using “Remember me”

Enter the same username and password as in F2 Desktop. Then tap Log in.

The login page remembers the latest user, unless the user logs out of F2 Touch manually.

A user with the "User administrator" privilege can log out another user of all F2 sessions. This will delete any "Remember me" information, which means you must log in using "Remember me" again.

Change users on Android

If you return to the login screen after your session expires or by way of closing the F2 Touch app, you will have the option to change users.

Figure 18. Change user

Tap Change user and enter the new login information. Then tap Log in.

The login role selector on Android

If a user has multiple roles in F2, it is possible to choose between them during login.

role selector android
Figure 19. Select job role on Android

Tap “Do not show again” to avoid being presented with the role selector during the next login.

It is possible to choose a default role in the “Setup” dialogue on F2 Desktop. If a default role has been set up, the user is automatically logged in with this role on F2 Touch.

Select language on Android

Select the language for F2 Touch on the login screen.

Figure 20. Select language on Android

Tap Language and select the wanted language in the dialogue. This is only possible if your F2 Touch installation supports more than one language.

F2 Touch always displays the language that was selected at the initial login.

Log out and “Remember me”

You can access the logout function in F2 Touch by swiping right from a list or by tapping the menu icon.

touch menu icon
Figure 21. The F2 Touch menu icon

To log out of F2 Touch, swipe right and tap Log out.

touch logout item
Figure 22. Log out of F2 Touch

By tapping Log out, a dialogue appears as displayed to the left.

Figure 23. The “Log out” dialogue

In this dialogue there are three options:

  • Log out: You are logged out, but F2 Touch will keep the tick in the “Remember me” box.

  • Log out of all sessions: F2 Touch logs you out and removes the tick in the “Remember me” box.

  • Cancel: Cancels the action and returns you to the list view.

Depending on your setup, you can reset the "Remember me" function by clicking Log out on any device where you have used this function.

A user with the "User administrator" privilege can log out another user of all F2 sessions. This will delete any "Remember me" information, which means you must log in using "Remember me" again.

F2 Touch Intune

cBrain offers an F2 Touch module that is compatible with Microsoft Intune. F2 Touch Intune has functions similar to that of F2 Touch, but is subject to the security model configured in Microsoft Intune by the organisation. Contact cBrain for further information.

Additionally, F2 Touch Intune can be configured so users can only log in through MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library). This configuration disables the login methods described above.

Contact cBrain for further information.

F2 Touch Intune requires the F2 Touch add-on module.