Records in F2 Touch

The following sections describe the different views and functions for records in F2 Touch.

Show record

Tap a record in a list to open the record window. From here you can work on the record document and any attached documents, chats, notes, etc.

If the record is attached to a case, navigate to the case by tapping the case icon in the blue ribbon at the top.

record window
Figure 1. The record window

Navigate between the record document, chats, and notes using the upper grey ribbon. If the record contains an approval or a request, their icons are also displayed here.

The bottom grey ribbon contains a number of functions for working with the record.

Functions in the record window

The bottom of the record window contains a number of functions for working with the record.

record ribbon functions
Figure 2. Functions in the record window

The functions are described in the table below. Your access rights to a given record determine which functions are available.

Icon Menu item Description



Archives the record.



Opens a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Edit record

  • Edit approval document

  • Edit approval

  • Change responsible

  • Set supplementary

  • Set keywords.



Opens a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Reply

  • Reply all

  • Forward.



Opens a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Copy link to this record

  • Email as PDF

  • Approval document as PDF

  • Generate combined PDF.



Opens a sub-menu with the following options:

  • Mark as unread

  • Delete record.

Tap the add icon image95 to perform the following actions on the record:

  • New chat

  • Chat all

  • New note

  • New approval

  • New request

  • New annotation.

Menu items relating to approvals require the F2 Approvals add-on module. The new approval menu item is only visible if you have the necessary rights to create an approval on the record.

Show/hide details in the record window

Tap Show details to view and edit the following metadata:

  • Responsible

  • Letter date

  • To/From

  • Record ID

  • Last updated

  • Version (see the note below)

  • Record location

  • Record flag

  • Personal deadline

  • Unit control

  • Unit flag

  • Unit deadline

  • Access

  • Registered.

Figure 3. Record metadata
It is not possible to make changes to older versions of the record as in F2 Desktop.

Archive record

In F2 Touch it is possible to archive a record directly from the record window.

archive record
Figure 4. Archive record

Tap Archive image98 in the bottom left corner of the record window to archive the record.

After the record has been archived, F2 displays the next record in the list.

Tapping Archive image98 on a record with unread chats will display the “Archive” dialogue.

archive chat
Figure 5. Archive a record with unread chats

In the dialogue F2 Touch presents the following options: to archive the record despite its unread chats, to show the chats, or to cancel the action.

Undo action

In F2 Touch it is possible to undo certain actions on a record.

undo button
Figure 6. Undo “Archive record” action

An UNDO button appears at the bottom of the screen when the following actions are performed:

  • Archive record.

  • Delete record.

  • Send record. Undoing will stop the record from being sent, but any changes to the record will be saved.

Go to your personal settings to adjust how long the UNDO button is shown.

Allocate a flag by swiping

It is possible to allocate a flag to a record directly from the result list using a swipe action. Swipe left on the record to show the options Delete, Set flag and Archive.

Select Set flag to display the available flags at the bottom of the screen as shown in the figure to the right.

flag result list
Figure 7. Allocate a flag directly from the result list

Personal flags can be set on personal lists, while unit flags can be set on unit lists.

Include participant in access restriction

If access to a record is restricted through the “Access restricted to” or “Case access restricted to” fields, an asterisk “*” appears in the “Access” field on the record.

Figure 8. Information about access restriction

Internal participants can be given access to records that are access restricted.

It is possible to give a participant access to a record with an access restriction when performing the following actions in F2 Touch:

  • Send a chat

  • Add chat participant

  • Save a record

  • Attach record to a case

  • Send a record

  • Approval action.

If you attempt to share a record with internal participants who do not have access to the record, F2 suggests adding them to the record’s access restriction.

The dialogue that appears makes it possible to add participants to the access restriction. If a participant is not added, they cannot see the record or the chat.

Figure 9. Include participant in the access restriction

Read more about access restrictions on records and cases.

Create email or record

Records can be created from every list in F2 Touch. To create a new record, tap the add icon image95 in the bottom right corner and then Create email. The menu item is named by its most regular use, as F2 Touch users often create records to send them as emails. If no recipient is added to the “To” field, the record is created as a regular record.

Enter a title for the new record. If you want to send it as an email, enter a recipient in the “To” field. Read more about sending emails from F2 Touch. Ignore the “To” field if you are not sending the record.

Tap Add in the “Documents” section to attach documents to the record.

Figure 10. Create email/record

Tap Save to save the record or Send to send it as an email. If the “Case help” field is ticked, consider the case help dialogue’s suggestions before saving or sending the record.

Figure 11. Case help

The case help in F2 Touch functions and appears similar to the case help in F2 Desktop. It also appears under the same conditions. Read more about the case help function.

Edit record

You can edit an existing record in F2 Touch if you have the rights to do so.

Set a record in edit mode by tapping Edit image90. Then select Edit record.

When the record is in edit mode, it is possible to edit its title, the record document, recipients (for emails), attached documents, and case association.

Figure 12. Record in edit mode

The functions of record document’s toolbar are similar to those in F2 Desktop. Expand the toolbar by tapping the three dots image109 to the right on the toolbar.

record document expand toolbar
Figure 13. Expanded toolbar in a record document

When the record is in edit mode, you can also edit any attached documents. Documents can be added, edited, and deleted.

Add document

In F2 Touch it is possible to upload an attachment of up to 40 MB. This may be a document or image from the device’s file system.

This function is available in F2 Touch for iPhone, iPad or web browser.

Tap Edit record in the bottom grey ribbon to set the record in edit mode.

Tap Add in the “Documents” section to open the device’s file system.

record add document
Figure 14. Add document

The following options are available when using an iOS device:

  • Take a photo or record video.

  • Transfer one or more photos from the image library.

  • Transfer a file from another app using the “Browse” feature. Browse through all files saved on the device.

Figure 15. The file selector on an iPhone

Then select a file from the device’s system.

record document added
Figure 16. Document attached to record

Tap Save to attach the selected file to the record.

Additionally, you can add documents from other apps by opening the document in F2 Touch, after which the document will be associated with the currently open record.

Enter edit mode on the record in F2 Touch. Tap document interaction image (iOS)/share function (Android) in the app where the document was edited. Select F2 Touch. The document is then sent to F2 Touch and can be found in the record’s "Documents" section.

Undo add document

You can undo the adding of a document by removing the tick next to the file before tapping Save in the upper right corner.

Figure 17. Undo attachment by unticking a file's box

Edit document

In F2 Touch you can edit attached documents in two ways:

  • When accessing F2 Touch from a browser, you can add a document from your device’s file system. This will update the record’s existing attached document.

  • When accessing F2 Touch from a mobile device, you can open the document in another app to edit and then re-import it to F2 Touch. The process differs depending on whether you are using iOS or Android.

Update document from browser

You can update an attached document by replacing it with an existing file from your device’s file system. This will overwrite the existing document on the record.

Tap Edit record in the bottom grey ribbon to enter edit mode.

To update an attached document, tap Update image116 in the “Documents” section. This will open the unit’s file system from which the desired file can be selected.

update attached document browser small
Figure 18. Update attached document

Once the file has been selected, tap Save to attach it to the record. The new file replaces the existing attachment.

To cancel the replacement, remove the tick next to the file before tapping Save.

Figure 19. Undo add document

Edit document in another app - iOS

You can edit an attached document by opening it in another app, such as Word.

First, open the document in F2 Touch by tapping its title. The record must be in read mode. Then tap the document interaction icon image. From here, select the app in which you want to edit the document. Save the document when you have edited it.

To update the document in F2 Touch, tap the document interaction icon image in the other app. Select F2 Touch. The document is then sent back to F2 Touch. A dialogue asks you to confirm that you want to update the attached document.

Update document edited in another app - iOS

You can update an attached document that you have edited and saved in another app.

Enter edit mode on the record in F2 Touch. Tap the document interaction icon image in the app where you edited the document. Select F2 Touch. The document is then sent back to F2 Touch. The document title indicates that the document will be updated. Save the record.

Edit document in another app - Android

You can edit an attached document by opening it in another app, such as Word.

First, open the document in F2 Touch by tapping its title. The record must be in read mode. The device’s share function opens. From here, select the app in which you want to edit the document. Save the document when you have edited it.

To update the document in F2 Touch, tap the share function in the other app. Select F2 Touch. The document is then sent back to F2 Touch. A dialogue asks you to confirm that you want to update the attached document.

Update document edited in another app - Android

You can update an attached document that you have edited and saved in another app.

Enter edit mode on the record in F2 Touch. Tap the share function in the app where you edited the document. Select F2 Touch. The document is then sent back to F2 Touch. The document title indicates that the document will be updated. Save the record.

Select document format

You can select the format of a document that is attached to a record. The selected document format applies only when records are sent as external emails. For records that are shared internally in an F2 authority (including internal emails), the document retains its original format.

Set the record in edit mode. Go to the “Documents” section to select document format. It is both possible to choose the format for all documents attached to the record or for each document.

Figure 20. Format selector

Select one of the two options to display a drop-down menu. From here, select a format.

The following format options are available:

F2 Touch’s default format is the one you have selected in your personal setup in F2 Desktop.

Delete document

You can delete an attached document from a record in the following way.

Go to edit mode. Tap Delete next to the attached document.

Figure 21. Delete document

When you tap Delete, the title of the document is shown in strikethrough text.

Figure 22. Tap Save to delete a document with a strikethrough title

You can share photos from your Photos app and URLs from the Safari browser to F2 Touch on iPhone and iPad.

In Photos or Safari, open the photo or website you want to share. Tap Document interaction and select F2 Touch.

Figure 23. Share URL from Safari with F2 Touch

F2 Touch creates a new record. If you have shared a photo, it is added to the "Documents" section of the newly created record. If you have shared a URL, the newly created record receives the title of the URL’s website and the URL is added to the record document.

Figure 24. A newly created record based on a shared website