All bug fixes

Bugs we have fixed in version 11.3.

F2 Basics

  • Fixed a bug that prevented editing in expansion fields on a record if the record’s documents were locked.

  • Fixed a bug that caused checking the "Select all" box in the "Select column settings" dialogue to have no effect.

  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to edit documents in sent private records.

  • Fixed a bug in the Microsoft WebView 2 component, which caused the spell check in the chat and record windows to fail.

  • Fixed a bug that caused only the most recently selected participant to be used in a related search performed from the "Participants" tab in the record or case window.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Select cases" dialogue to open with "Select multiple cases" selected in the ribbon. The dialogue now opens with "Select one case" selected in the ribbon.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a user or a unit from being added to the access restriction for a case through a mass operation. The error occurred if the user attempting to add was not part of the unit or the user’s unit that they were attempting to add.

  • Fixed a bug that caused F2 to close unexpectedly when clicking on the "Show all unit searches" menu item, if the "Unit searches" node was added as a favourite.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the selected formatting in the record document from being applied to newly inserted tables.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Create from CPR" dialogue to be displayed when entering a number in, for example, a metadata field on the record, even though the licence was not enabled.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an email attached in Outlook’s rare TNEF format from being recognised as an email when imported into F2.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the "Select participants" dialogue to only show users from the same unit or subunit as the user who opened the dialogue. The error occurred when "Select participants" was opened by clicking on the participant icon from the "Add users to security groups" dialogue.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused F2 Desktop to close unexpectedly when expanding a grouping in the result list.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented printing of attachments on records without a record document.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "New document" menu item to have the same icon as "New record".

  • Fixed a bug that disabled the right-click function "Add to dictionary" in the record’s editor pane in Windows 11.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a user with the "Template administrator" privilege to see all unit document templates when clicking on "New document from template". The error could occur for records created in connection with a case guide.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the mouse cursor to move inappropriately when inserting an f2p link in the record document and subsequently pressing the space bar.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented chat participants' status from being displayed if they were online or set to "Out of office".

F2 Manager 2

  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Annotate" function to be available on agenda items in the chat list.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented chat participants' status from being displayed if they were online or set to "Out of office".


  • Fixed a bug that could prevent report configurations from being displayed in the "F2 Analytics" window for administrators.

  • Fixed a bug that in certain instances prevented the "Fields to fill in" tab from being displayed and the "Download report" dialogue from being opened.

  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to enter values containing a comma in filters and fields to fill in.

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain types of filters to be displayed incorrectly in the "F2 Analytics" window for administrators.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented deselecting an Excel template associated with a report.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the the time selector, which is shown when clicking the calendar icon, to hide behind the window it was opened from.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented changes in report templates from being updated correctly.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the current approver’s approval comment to be removed when an approval action was interrupted. The error occurred when the approval had been modified after the current approver received it in their inbox and then clicked "No" in the "Others have made changes" dialogue.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented saved column settings from displaying approval columns, such as the "Progress" column.

CPR Integration Subscription

  • Fixed a bug that caused the characters æ, ø, and å to be handled incorrectly for data imported from CPR.

Digital Post (Next generation)

  • Fixed a bug that caused the reception of replies to Digital Post to fail if the original sender was set to the top unit (the organisation), and F2 was set up to return replies to the original sender.

FOI Request

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the creation of an FOI request report that included requests or annotations.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the selected sorting of the result list when creating an FOI request from being reflected in the FOI request report.

Metadata Remover

  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to send or forward a simple email with an attached document to an external participant if the Metadata Remover module was active.


  • Fixed a bug that caused clicking on the information and question mark icons in the "New request" dialogue to have no effect.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented processing of a request if the recipient was part of a unit where the sender also had a role.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a request from being forwarded if the recipient lost affiliation to the receiving unit.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a request creator to be informed of a completed request, even though this option was deselected.

Service Builder

  • Fixed a bug that caused text in the self-service to be translated into the F2 system’s standard language, even though the design template was in a different language.

  • Fixed a bug that caused values from drop-down menus and radio buttons to be sent incorrectly to the "Calculation" tab.

  • Fixed a bug that caused design templates to be translated into Danish when downloaded, even though they were originally uploaded in another language.

  • Fixed a bug that made it appear possible to use attachment fields in Excel calculations.

  • Fixed a bug that caused case fields without values to make Excel calculations fail.

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain cells in the design template to have an incorrect colour.