Administration in F2 Desktop

The following sections describe how to administrate F2 Manager using F2 Desktop. The section Synchronise records and cases describes how to give access to cases and records in F2 Manager. How to synchronise approvals is described briefly in the Synchronising approvals section. How to set up F2 Manager on an iPad is described in Set up the F2 Manager app.

Synchronise records and cases

All F2 cases can be made accessible in F2 Manager. F2 Manager is designed to provide access to materials in connection with meetings. This is why the synchronisation of records and cases to F2 Manager is done through meetings. Once a case is added to F2 Manager, it is also automatically attached to an ad hoc meeting. Ad hoc meetings can also be created and viewed in F2 Touch. Read more about the F2 Touch procedure.

To add a case to F2 Manager click on the Add F2 Manager menu item in the case window as shown below.

Figure 1. Add case to F2 Manager

An “F2 Manager tab” is then added to the case. The “F2 Manager” tab is found furthest to the right, next to the “Participants” tab in the case window. The figure below shows the F2 Manager tab and its sections. The format of the sections resembles a meeting where the case and its associated records and documents are available to users during a selected time period. User are added as either meeting participants or stakeholders.

case window manager tab
Figure 2. The “F2 Manager” tab in the case window

Click on Edit in the ribbon to enter edit mode and set up the synchronisation of the F2 Manager meeting. The upper part of the tab contains metadata fields that are related to the iPad synchronisation to F2 Manager. The lower part of the tab is dedicated to managing the availability of records and documents. The different tab sections are described in the following sections.

iPad synchronisation

Figure 3. Synchronise to iPad

Tick the “Activated” box to synchronise the records on the F2 Manager synchronisation list. The records are only synchronised within the specified time period and to the added participants.

Data is not synchronised to the iPad outside the specified time period.

The “New elements included” field is described below in the Automatic vs manual inclusion section.

Ticking the “Activated” box automatically fills in the other sections' date and time fields with standard values unless they already contain data. This is useful if the user wants a meeting time of “Now” with a standard synchronisation period.

Date and category

Figure 4. Date and category

The “Date and category” fields are used to specify a meeting date and time. Ad hoc meetings are shown on the specified meeting date and time in the calendar view in F2 Manager’s meeting planner.

A start and finish time can be specified for the meeting. If the meeting lasts an entire day, tick the “All-day” box. Meetings marked as “All-day” meetings are indicated as such in the F2 Manager app’s calendar view. Meetings can last longer than a day even if they have specified “From” and “To” times.

A category can also be selected. This is an optional field used for categorising the meeting. Categories are created by users with the “Value list administrator” privilege. For example, a category named “Administration” can be created for an authority to indicate meetings concerning this topic.


Individual agenda items can be marked for assessment. This means that every user can rate agenda items and add a comment from their iPad.

Unless restrictions are added, ratings are shared between all F2 Manager users with access to the meeting. For the meeting itself the ratings can be restricted in regard to sharing and presentation.

Figure 5. Ratings

Agenda items are marked for assessment by checking the “To be rated” box next to the item on the synchronisation list.

Can only be submitted until

“Can only be submitted until: [x] hours before start” is an optional field. It limits the time period in which a rating can be given. It is possible to hide ratings a chosen number of hours before the meeting.

Leave this field empty to make rating possible at any time.

Not shared until

“Not shared until: [x] hours before start” is an optional field. It limits when ratings can be shared. It is possible to block the sharing of ratings until a chosen number of hours before the meeting.

Leave this field empty to share ratings immediately.


Figure 6. Participants

Meeting participants and stakeholders, both internal and external, are added in the fields of the “Participants” category. Only participants that exist in F2’s participant register can be added.

F2 can be configured so that ministers and heads of department can only be added to meetings by users who can act on behalf of them. The configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.


The “Participants” field is used to add meeting participants. Meeting participants receive:

  • The option to rate agenda items, if a rating is wanted.

  • Read access to the records on the agenda.

  • Access to the synchronised records on their iPad in the specified period.


The “External” field is used to add external participants who are attending the meeting. A copy of the meeting material can be sent to the added participants using the F2 Web Meetings add-on module (documentation available in Danish).


The “Stakeholders” field is optional and used to expand the group of F2 users whose iPads are synchronised with the meeting. Stakeholders have the same rights as normal meeting participants except that they cannot rate agenda items.

Additional information

Figure 7. Additional information

When an ad hoc meeting is created it inherits the case title by default. The meeting can be renamed in the “Title” field.

The “Description” field in the “Additional information” category is an optional field used for adding information about the meeting, such as the meeting location or a specific meeting room.

The synchronisation list and the remaining records of the case

The elements on the synchronisation list are the records that will be visible on with the iPad after the synchronisation process.

As the name “The remaining records of that case” indicates, this field consists of records that have been deselected for synchronisation either manually or automatically. Once a case is synchronised to F2 Manager, its records are automatically added to the synchronisation list.

Automatic vs manual inclusion

If new records are added to a case, they will synchronise with the iPad depending on the “New elements included” field. This field is found in the “iPad synchronisation” category and is set to either Automatically or Manually using a drop-down menu.

  • Automatically means that all records on a case are added to the synchronisation list except for ones the user manually drags to the “The remaining records of that case” field.

  • Manually means that none of the records on the case are synchronised except for ones the user drags to the synchronisation list and the records already on it.

Use automatic inclusion to automatically synchronise new records with the iPad as they are added to the case.

Use manual inclusion to manually select the agenda items to synchronise with the iPad and avoid synchronising new records on the case along with already synchronised records.

It is only possible to synchronise records automatically if the user has access to all the case records. If not, manual synchronisation must be used.

A standard value (Automatically/Manually) can be configured to apply for all users. This configuration is performed in cooperation with cBrain.

Select items for synchronisation

Records on the synchronisation list are synchronised with the iPad when the synchronisation is activated.

Drag records between the synchronisation list and the list “The remaining records of that case” to determine the records for synchronisation.

Be sure to pay special attention to the “New elements included” function as it determines if the records are automatically synchronised or not. The field is further described in the section Automatic vs manual inclusion.

Two additional functions are available for each agenda item in the synchronisation list. Firstly, it is possible to mark an item as up for assessment. Secondly, export of the agenda item can be disabled.

Mark an agenda item for assessment by checking the item’s box in the “To be rated” column.

Figure 8. The synchronisation list’s records

Check the “Disallow export” column to disable all sharing options in the F2 Manager app. This means that the agenda item and its associated documents cannot be printed or shared with other apps on the iPad.

Structuring the agenda items (records)

The figure below shows the F2 Manager tab in editing mode. The records used as agenda items can be ordered on the synchronisation list using the blue arrow icons to the left of the record titles. Update the agenda by clicking Save in the ribbon.

manager tab edit sync list
Figure 9. The F2 Manager tab in editing mode

Create multiple ad hoc meetings for the same case

There may be several reasons for a user to create multiple meetings for the same case. For example, if a meeting participant does not have access to all the relevant records.

Click on the Ad hoc meetings menu item and select New ad hoc meeting in the drop-down menu to create a new ad hoc meeting for the same case. See the figure below. From here, it is also possible to choose between existing ad hoc meetings on the same case.

create new ad hoc meeting
Figure 10. Create and select other ad hoc meetings

Click on New ad hoc meeting to create a new meeting on the “F2 Manager” tab. From here the case’s records can be accessed.

Synchronising approvals

The following sections describe the necessary actions in F2 Desktop that allows for managing approvals in F2 Manager.

Approvals can either be managed by the F2 Manager user themself or by a gatekeeper. Gatekeepers use the F2 Gateway Approvals add-on. For further information on gateway approvals, contact cBrain.

If a user manages approvals themself, the approvals will appear directly on the iPad as soon as the approval reaches the user’s step. The user can approve or return the approval. Depending on the user’s choice the approval is then sent on to the next step or returned to a previous step.